Thursday, November 14, 2013

Product Review: Puma shoes, top, tights, jacket

I was lucky enough to receive a pretty sweet sample and share from Crowdtap. It was almost like they knew that I just started running for the first time ever. It was awesome motivation to train for this upcoming 5K.

I hated running. I would find it hard on my knees, ankles, and the shin splints. I  always figured it was because of my horribly flat feet and bad genetics. In the kit was probably more fancy stuff than a beginner runner should have:

  • 1 Pair of PUMA Mobium Elite Running Shoes
  • 1 Puma Performance Bodywear Tech ACTV Long Sleeve Top
  • 1 Pair of Puma Performance Bodywear Tech ACTV Endurance Tights
The shoes fit perfectly and are an awesome orange color. It's super bright and not normally a color I would pick, but at least I won't get hit by a car. In fact, it would be impossible to get hit by a car with the crazy light reflecting jacket. The shoes are designed with amazing bounce. The engineering makes a lot of sense. Like an animal paw, the shoe is designed to spread out on impact. Thus making it super bouncy and have nice support. 

My favorite piece of this package are the tights. They have built in support to hold everything in alignment. Getting them on is a little bit challenging, it's a little like putting on a wetsuit, but once everything is on snug, they're pretty comfortable. 

Overall, I highly recommend the shoes and tights. They are a bit pricey, but totally worth it for people prone to running injuries. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mind Over Matter - A Ballet Experiment

Ballerina Kim in 2006 (what a skinny b)
Lately I've been feelings very negative towards myself and my self image. I know it is in my head, but we are all our own worst critic. I've always had this love-hate relationship with ballet. I love it, but at the same time it's physically torturous and you're standing in a mirror wearing skin clenching clothing. I've never considered myself big, but in a leotard you can't hide the jelly rolls. I turned 27 in January and my metabolism turned off.

Growing up, my mother rarely gave us advice that worked, but one thing she usually said was "mind over matter." Yesterday, I was dreading ballet (which happens on Tuesdays), mostly because I decided that stretching was not a top priority and I ate, A LOT. I Googled things that a young dancers should worry about,  more than the casual adult dancer: improve balance, extension, pirouettes. Some of the things I found were helpful, probably more helpful if I were younger.

Now I am the class clown and always have been. I also take class from 8pm - 9:30pm on a Tuesday after working a full day job. By the time class starts I'm either really full and chubby because I ate, or starving and moody. I think you'll also realize that my attention span is that of a goldfish and I can't tell my left from right anymore. I also am very sleepy. Despite these challenges, I show up every week and just dance because it's fun. Can't explain it.

While driving to class I decided that I would test my mom's mind over matter technique, while combining some of the things that I learned from the Internets. I was not expecting a 180-degree turn out or magical splits. I get that those things take time, but I decided that I would focus. I envisioned myself rocking the combinations, sticking balances, and turning better than ever. I also told the class my experiment, mostly so I could hold myself accountable.

At first, focusing was a challenge, but I tried harder than I use to. What I really wanted to do was balance and turn better. During balances I made sure to remember all my tips and envisioned myself rocking it. The first half of class, the jury was still out as to whether the method was working. It was when we were turning across the floor did it actually work. In the past, when I turn I just am wobbly and anti-graceful. I imagined prepping well, having a high leg, turning, and landing perfectly. I just kept focusing on that vision. I also heard my teacher scream: KNEE back. For some reason, all the things aligned (physically and metaphorically). I not only nailed one pirouette, but also pulled off a double (mostly by accident). It was a feeling that I have only felt once before in 2008.

So was this my mind over matter or was it shear luck. I have to say, I was not perfect, but for the first time I felt accomplished in class and satisfied by the end of class. I will definitely experiment for a few more weeks.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Product Review: Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloths

I am not sure where this product has been all my life. These wipes are exactly what I to feel fresh after using the restroom.

The first thing that I noticed when I set up the dispenser was how soft the wipes were and how nice they smelled. They remind me of baby wipes, so I call them grown up wipes.

I talked to my mom about them when I received them. She said she already used them and loved them. Suddenly, I felt like it was the slow adopter.

As expected, the wipes were soft and felt good. The scent was not overwhelming and it felt refreshing. I would definitely continue purchasing these.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Product Review: Meet Jonah the Sea-nic Adventures Sleeping Bag

This is my amazing gift from Johnny. A human-sized whale sleeping bag, which I will use as a snuggie because I do not camp. I also recently learned of my fur-whale fetish. It feels so right being inside this whale cuddly. If I could wear him to work, I would. From what I understand, it is not a social norm to appear in a whale sleeping bag.

I'm not sure that the product would actually be comfortable in a real-life camping situation, but it is very soft and warm. It is possible to fit two small people inside, but definitely a squeeze for two. Cleaning may not be easy, so no eating or drinking inside the whale.

There is a snap to make sure the mouth does not close over the head while sleeping. I find myself also using Jonah as a yoga mat. He's even attacked some of my other stuffed animal.

Once again, is one of my favorite online store, and where this product was sold. Definitely special thanks to John who took the initiative to purchase it. Jonah has brought quite a lot of joy.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mid-September Update

I've reached an all time low with my happiness project. I dare say that I am downright miserable. This is health month so I scheduled my doctor's appointments and already went to the eye doctor. I started ballet and I'm officially one month into my new job. By any other means these things would be accomplishments, but instead I feel the opposite. Many people can try to convince me otherwise, but how I feel inside, is how I feel.

Let's start the pity party. I left a job where I was an expert to pursue my dream job. I am sad that I am not at expert level. I know this will come in time, but -1 for confidence. I've been dancing ballet on and off again for 10 years. This is the first time I've looked in the mirror and not liked what I see. The eye doctor says I only need to wear glasses for distance, driving, night-time, and computer (so basically all the time). I'm struggling to find balance.
I feel like the more I try to get a grasp of one thing, another thing falls to pieces. I realize that I'm stressing myself out for no reason, but these things are compounding and I feel like I'm losing it. As a Guest once said:

"You can have all the most beautiful flowers in the world, but I'm not a millionaire."  At first glance it seems like the ramblings of an angry theme park guest, and that may be true, but for some reason this quote years later has stuck with me. It's essentially saying you can have everything and if you make the best of it, then fine; if you don't, then you'll never be happy.

Another thing is that for the first second time in my life, I'm letting some random person dictate my a particular happiness, but unlike the past, this time I actually care. Because I care, I will fight tooth and nail for this happiness. I'll be the first to admit that I pass judgment quickly and harshly. It's not the person as much as the overall feeling of disrespect no matter how true or false a situation is. I'll leave it at that.

So all this combined stuff has done a number of my sanity and confidence. Pity party table for one, my table is ready. I'm playing the world's smallest violin. I suspect that I will just keep going and see what happens. Work smarter, not harder.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happiness Project: August 2013 - Have Fun Recap

This month was quite interesting. I've had a lot of highs and lows while trying to maintain this month's goals of "Having Fun." I was successful in the fact that I had many adventures that I would have never done, but it was usually only during that time where fun occurred.

This month's goals were to:

  • Take local adventures and do fun things. 
  • Spend Out
  • Take Time
  • Say Yes

Spend out I went a little overboard when I went clothes shopping. It was necessary though as my wardrobe is extremely out date. Of course, now I feel much more confident. Spending out is definitely opposite of my character, but it didn't kill me. I think I've learned to balance being frugal with spending enough to be happy. 

I made it a point to have at least one local adventure each weekend. Some of my favorites include the Windermere Food Truck round up, FunSpot, and starting a new job. I also started reading a bunch of adventure books. My adventures were sidelined this past weekend due to a death in my immediate circle. 

September is a not fun month "Get Healthy." The goals of this month:
  • Eat well
  • Get checked up
  • Remove anger
  • De-stress
I think my first stop will be the eye doctor. In my old age, it turns out that my vision is horrible. I'll also be starting ballet again on Tuesday. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Poem for John

Waves crash on a beach, and I think of you. 
Your smile is as bright as the midday sun.
Your hair the color of foam riding high atop a wave. 
Your kindness and generosity are a beacon in the storm. 
I think of you. 

Gone too soon and my heart feels heavy. 
You close your eyes and you are no longer suffering. 
The sudden pain you felt as your body betrayed you is over now.
Yet your eyes give new life to a lucky soul. 

The cancer came fast. 
A moment of riding high upon the waves, then crashing hard against the surf.
It didn't feel real and certainly not fair.
It is unforgiving,
But you knew. 
You knew anguish and despair,
Which is why you lived and in turn, showed others how to live.

I can see you now. You are at peace. 
The sun is setting. 
I imagine your relief.
You will pave the way for us and we will care for yours.
Farewell surfer dude.
I think of you. 

Rest In Peace John Havenner. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

In Defense of SeaWorld - A response to the Blackfish bias

First and foremost, let me say that I love whales and dolphins. I am the biggest advocate for education and conservation of all marine mammals. I've traveled around the U.S. observing marine mammals in the wild and in various aquarium institutions.

The Blackfish Bias

I have seen the Blackfish documentary and read the reviews of thousands of people jumping onto the bandwagon. There is no doubt that the story of Shamu trainer Dawn Brancheau and Tilikum is tragic. It is also a shame that animals are kept in captivity, but the Blackfish mob seemingly ignores the bias.

Of course whales and other large animals should not be in captivity, but setting them free is not the answer. Nor is refusing to go to a location, in hopes that the place will shut down. I think the opposite effect would happen. Institutions that lose funding or find decrease profits will cut corners in an attempt to save money, which will include staffing and animal care resulting in more deaths and accidents.

If we could go back to the 1960s when the first whales were captured and placed in captivity, then by all means let's do that.  In the meantime, these animals are here, they need to be cared for, their minds stimulated, and their basic needs met.

I'd guess that most of those people who are banging their anti-captivity drums have actually been to an aquarium housing whales or dolphins. I would even go far to say that the first place many people have seen a live whale or dolphin was in an aquarium. For me, I was three years old when my parents brought me to see Shamu in San Diego. That moment, luckily captured on film, when I dropped a dead fish into a dolphin's mouth, was the exact moment that sparked my love for marine mammals.

How many people would make that connection and spark that love for whales if they had to travel and seek such animals? I saved for two years, so I could travel to Alaska and see killer whales in the wild. The moment was magically life affirming, but fleeting. A glimpse of a dorsal fin, the puff of an exhale from the side of the boat, then gone. People don't care for things they cannot see. As much as anyone would hate to admit it, aquariums bridge that connection between animal and human.

Release is not an option

Release and rehabilitation works for some animals. SeaWorld's Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation group releases injured and rehabilitated sea turtles, sea lions, and manatees all the time. In fact, most aquariums partner in some way with either through on-site services or providing funding to help sick or injured animals. This is a win-win because the animals get helped and we learn a little more about them.

Then there are creatures that just cannot be released because they are either too sick or injured, or they were born in captivity. Imagine being raised in America you whole life, then suddenly deported to the jungle with no medication, no food, and no conveniences that you are used to. There are some that say they can develop a process to help with the transition, but in the end, things are never the same. (i.e. Tom Hanks in Cast Away).

Even whales that are released often come in contact with humans and sometimes these interactions are not as friendly as one would imagine. Don't forget that some countries still allow whaling for meat and "research."

There are two whales that I can think of off the top of my head who have been released after living in captivity: "Free Willy" a/k/a Keiko and J.J. the Gray Whale. The release of Keiko hit fever pitch after the Free Willy movies. He spent six years rehabilitating to 'normal' killer whale life before leaving human care. There is no argument that this was time well spent, as he enjoyed the best of both worlds. Then in December 2003, a year after being left to be a whale, Keiko died.

J.J. the Gray Whale was found abandoned by its mother. She was taken into captivity for rehabilitation. J.J. is only the second Gray Whale to be held in captivity as they are large and difficult to care for due to the krill they eat. She grew bigger and healthier thanks to her care takers. Then she was fitted with a tracker and released during the time of Gray Whale migration. Her tag eventually fell off and it is unknown what became of her.

I'm not saying that all releases will end in death, but perhaps the knee-jerk reaction of releasing all whales, some being in captivity for 20 years or more, is not the best plan.

How is a whale in captivity any different than an elephant or a chimpanzee kept in a zoo? In fact, chimpanzees outrank dolphins in intelligence tests. If you argue for one using the intelligence factor, then the same logic must be applied for the others.

Some Whales Got it Worse

Another argument of anti-captivity propagandist is that whales swim hundreds of miles a day and that keeping them in tanks is inhumane. Fair enough, but to claim that SeaWorld is the biggest violator of this misgiving is playing a straw man argument.

Meet Lolita of the Miami Seaquarium. This is the oldest killer whale in captivity. Her tank is about 1/3 the size of a SeaWorld tank and only 20-feet deep. She shares it with a pair of dolphins and is also forced to perform daily. If ever there were an institution to be angry at, it would be places that don't make the millions of dollars to properly care for their animals. I know this, because I worked there for a week.


There really is no happy answer. You can't further a mission of compassion and conservation without having these animals for public view. The animals will never live their full intended animal life being in captivity.

So while some blame the profit mongering institutions, these same places are allowing millions of people to see these animals up close. Don't worry, the U.S. banned the capture of marine mammals with the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. There are ways around this of course by "trading" with countries that do allow capture, but that's a whole other issue.

The message of Blackfish is clear. Captivity bad, freedom good, but SeaWorld is not the enemy, but rather the unfortunate large institution that is being targeted by the propaganda of a half-told story.

Friday, August 23, 2013

August Adventures: Update

This month has been filled with crazy adventures. This evening my parents surprised me by taking me to Windermere's Food Truck Roundup, which is something we've always wanted to do. Every weekend John and I have been going places like Fun Spot America and SeaWorld.

I've even spent some time last week upgrading my wardrobe. Now that I have a grown up job, I need to not only act, but look the part. I've spent more on my wardrobe in a few days than I did for years. I'm just not a designer buyer type of girl. Thank god for Pinterest, because I would have no idea what to wear. In case you want to see what's been inspiring me you can check out my PROfessional Outfits Pinterest board.

Apparently, my stores of choice are The Limited, Express, New York and Co., and Forever 21. I'm a huge fan of reward programs, coupons, and BOGOs.

Onto the last week of August and my third week at the new job!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Can passion make up for natural talent?

On Thursday, I sat through a presentation where one of the points was passion supersedes natural talent. The speaker was meant to be inspiring and thought provoking and he totally was, but this particular point stuck with me.

I'd like to hope that you can use passion alone to get where you'd like to go, but I do not believe that this is the case. For example, ballet is a highly competitive sport. You can take lessons all your life, as well as, live and breathe it every day, but if your feet aren't right or your legs don't turn out a certain way, then the likelihood of your success as a professional decrease. Now you can always spin it as someone who is a ballet dancer that does not dance in a company can always teach or find another job that helps the quell the passion.

So it's an interesting thought that alone passion can get you where you'd like to be in your life.

Friday, August 9, 2013

It doesn't seem real. Other than the fact that people are saying goodbye and that I've eaten more than usual, my mind still has not comprehending that I will start a new job on Monday. I've been in the routine of working seven days a week for almost a year. Now I am thankful to have a Monday through Friday job. If there were an illusion to my feelings it would be like me going to off to college and leaving my friends behind. It's good because of all the new stuff I'll experience, but sad because I will miss the people. I'm nervous, but also trust in my abilities. I've always lived hoping that I made a difference in the world. The generosity of my co-workers is only proof that so far, I've succeeded. Onto the next!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

July Happiness Project Recap

My Happiness Project is working and I cannot explain how or why. Though by project standards I did not meet all my July goals, it was still wildly successful. July's focus was "Work" with the goals of:

  • Meet New People
  • No Gossip
  • Listen and Engage
  • Learn phrases in Other Languages
  • Be Qualified 
The overall outcome was great. I'll be starting a new job in a week, which is something that I've been waiting for years. It will be exciting and hopefully my honeymoon period will last a long time.

The hardest parts of July's goals was no gossip and learning new phrases in other languages. I basically only learned bank phrases when I waited in line at the Bank of America on Sand Lake Road, mostly because of all the signs and non-English speakers. I also tried to learn service phrases, but that died out quickly. The no gossip rule changed mid-month to less gossip, which was much more attainable. I found myself not feeding into the gossip, but it surrounds you sometimes it is hard to escape. I do not think this will be a problem in my new location.

I tried my best to meet new people. This was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone and talking to all sorts of people. It's not my favorite thing, as believe it or not, I'm a naturally more reserved person.

I excelled this month in listen and engage, and of course, being qualified. Any time people came to me with a concern, I would try to stop what I was doing (unless I couldn't) and talk about how they felt about the situation. I found that getting them to understand the situation as a whole, also got the brain thinking. Although, this goes back to me picking and choosing who I engaged with.

Being qualified is something that I was tired of people saying I wasn't. I spent a lot of time on the Internet figuring things out. Any time I did not know something, I'd find the answer to understand it. I'm by no means a rocket scientist now, but I found that I am more qualified to speak on the subjects that interest me. I believe that this reflected in my new job. I can't wait to take what I've learned and apply it.

Now for August! Completely out of my norm is "Have Fun" month. I so rarely have fun to the point where I am miserable. I mean for goodness sake I work 7-days a week (and some nights) and get home exhausted. Now, I have a normal Monday through Friday job and although the thought of getting a weekend job crossed my mind, John and my parents agreed I should not (at least not yet).

So for August fun month the goals are:

  • Take local adventures
  • Spend Out
  • Take Time
  • Say Yes
Florida, from what I am told, is a fun place. I plan to go do all the things that I've heard about since becoming a resident here four years ago. Spending out means, stop being a cheap person and spend the cash that I've earned. This is scary because I hate spending money, but we'll see. Take time. I think this means for me to just enjoy doing nothing and really taking care of myself. Say yes is dangerous. I say yes all the time then end up over committed and exhausted. So I think saying yes to fun and adventure will be how I interpret it. 

Some trips I'd like to make are: Gatorland, the Beach, Weiki Watchi Springs, Food Trucks, the other beach, the zoo, etc. Should be exciting. I think my family has caught on to these experiments. I felt bad for a second subjecting everyone to my monthly goals, but I think it's working. August should be a good one for us all. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Product Review: Simple Sugars Body Scrubs

Ok, I'm not one to see something on TV and feels the need to buy it, but all the stars aligned: I had some expendable income that was burning a hole in my pocket; I have insanely dry skin in the summer; and I was watching TV.

I was watching ABC's SharkTank, which is where people pitch these ideas to D-list celebrities who have money to invest in businesses. My parents and I watch this from time to time. A young, well-spoken woman came on and pitched her sugar scrub line. Typical stuff with all natural ingredients that promise smooth skin and maybe some cures for dry skin. I wasn't committed at the time, but I though "oh how nice." Later that night, I felt the itch to buy something and decided to check out some web sites. I need shoes, clothes, and gasoline. I also decided to check out the Simple Sugars website.

First, I was impressed by the tone. Lani (the creator) chooses a more informal tone that clearly targets younger women. Then she grabbed me by the variety of smells and scrub products. I am not a scrub person, actually, I am not a person who puts myself within my top 10 priorities; however, I am trying to change that. I need to take better care of myself, but more on that later.

The prices were fair. For a 16-oz tub of scrub is $16.95, while an 8-oz tub is $11.95. Logic told me to just go make my own scrub with a Pinterest recipe, but 1) I do not have time, 2) don't have the patience to be mixing oils, and 3) probably would end up making a product that would burn my face off. Also, I love supporting small businesses. If I look at a business model and immediately think "Oh I'd love to work there," then I do not mind spending my money.

So I forego the shoes, clothes, and gasoline for two weeks and bought two scrubs. Green Tea with Tea Tree Oil 5-oz Facial Scrub for $16.95 and a Peach-scented body scrub. For some reason, I was insanely excited and couldn't wait for the product to get here. Due to the popularity of the scrub after the re-airing of the television episode, it took a little longer than expected, but a reasonable amount of time.

Today the product got here in a cute little box. It comes with tiny stirring spoons. I love tiny spoons! You start by using the tiny spoons to mix the sugar, so the oils are evenly distributed. Then you put some stuff on your fingers and scrub. Immediately, I was hit by the aromas, which were pleasant. It was difficult trying to determine the consistency of the scrub. You don't want it too wet or too dry. I think I went too dry this first time. I started with the facial scrub. It felt rough, but good. I left it on for a few moments as I hopped into the shower. As I rinsed it off, I could feel what felt like an oily film on my face, but then I realized that was just smoothness. The scrub does not feel oily at all. In fact, my skin is insanely smooth.

Tomorrow, I will try the Peach body scrub and cannot wait! I think I will make this my Saturday/Sunday routine. Just something to treat myself.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Lecture review: Microinequities

Today I attended an interesting lecture about micro-inequities. In a nutshell, it's all the passive aggressive actions intentional or unintentional that can occur in a conversation. For example leaving someone off an important email chain may make that person feel left out, though the sender may have not done it intentionally. What I learned is that there are at least two sides to every action even if the intentions were meant to be good.

The speaker was Michael Freeman from UCF. He started by asking two questions to ponder:
- How do you reward yourself?
- How do you punish yourself?

As he suspected, most people do not reward themselves enough and that the punishments that we do to ourselves when things go wrong are far too severe. These actions that we do to ourselves also reflect exactly how we treat others professionally and personally.

Another interesting concept that he touched on briefly was "empathy fatigue." This is when you no longer care  or more professionally: "Emotional detachment brought about by prolonged emotional exposure." In other words, being so consumed by something whether it's work or personal problems that all emotions of sympathy become the same. I can say that I suffer from this and I'd wager that 75% of my colleagues do too. I would love to discuss ways to break this chain, but Freeman also said that he put forth a rule that says "I will only work as hard as my boss/client." 

I've always been one to say that change starts from the top down. I try to embody the ideals that I strive to maintain in my personal and professional life, but in the end, you are responsible for yourself and your actions. 

In conclusion Freeman said something that stuck with me: "You can't control what someone else does, you can only control how you react." He challenged each of us to be brave and have meaningful conversations. If it's a sensitive topic, then the only way to clear the air is to ask the question "why do you say that?" This is because we should always be open to learning and only when all parties are willing to listen and understand, can anything be solved. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Being Qualified

This month one of my goals is to "Be Qualified." This goal came about after I got tired of not getting job interviews because I do not meet the minimum job requirements, despite being fully capable of performing the job.

On a side note: me getting tired of not being able to do ____. Is usually how I get myself into some strange flights of fancy. I wonder at one point does one decide to give up pursuing flights of fancy. In recent months, I've become aware that I should settle down, but it's hard without a job that pays  enough to live independently.

I've started exploring the idea of going back to school again. This time for my Master's degree. The biggest roadblocks are finances and, of course, time. Then of course, this would be the last degree I would get before embarking on my career. I've considered a few things from an MFA in writing to MBA in Marketing to Certificate in Information Technology. I can safely say that I know what I do not want to do. I also know my life goal is to have a career where the work I do makes a difference. I'd also preferably like to be paid enough to live comfortably and provide for my family.

I also hate that I only speak two languages: English and Tourist. Ideally, I'd like to learn to speak Spanish, Portuguese, or some Asian language. I'll be working on this.

There was a time when the Bachelor's Degree guaranteed that you got a good job. Now the whole scheme has shifted. Everyone has a Bachelor's Degree and the edge is for those with the Master's. I'd be curious to see if in the future you'd need a Ph. D. to get an entry level job.

Those who know me over the past decade know that my flights of fancy usually last for 2-years before I get bored and want to do something else. I simply cannot afford this anymore. It's time to grow up. Not to mention it's expensive to go to school and change career paths.

I know that my mind is restless now. I want so much more than what I have now, but I also know that I should be happy with what I have. Sometimes, I feel like a little girl trapped in a tower with no way out, but to burn my way down. *End dramatic note*

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pinterest Project: Upcycling T-shirt into vest

Lately I've had this urge to do a DIY from Pinterest. Some of my pinterest projects go really well (mostly the food ones), and others are misses. My project today was to upcycle an old T-shirt. I have tons of t-shirts from all the 5K volunteering I've been doing this year. I found my project here. It was pretty quick, all I needed was a shirt and a pair of scissors.

I started with this pretty bright yellow shirt (that I'd never wear in public), then started cutting. It felt wrong cutting a perfectly good shirt. Usually these end up in my donation pile after a year, but since this entire month is about doing things, I figured it's just one shirt.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Choosing to Be Happy - June Recap

Earlier this month I started my Happiness Project. In June I chose to focus on my Relationships (mostly with John). I set my goals to:

  • Accept and appreciate him for what he is fully
  • Give positive encouragement
  • Show Up
  • Don't judge/ Stop Nagging
What better way to start than a two-week vacation. It started off pretty rocky and I needed to remind myself constantly about my goals. Overall, I would say June was wildly successful. I have not asked John about this month, but I think my attitude shift has had a positive impact on our relationship. I made huge leaps in accepting people for who they are. John is sweet, caring, hard-working, honest, and loving. Choosing to focus on the good traits about him, reminded me to stop nagging and judging. 

I also focused on a lot on giving positive encouragement, again, in my attempt to stop nagging. I dare proclaim this a success! A large portion of my stress is both of our jobs, which directly correlates to the success of our future. Using positive encouragement, I try to boost his confidence. Well, John is starting a new job shortly, definitely on the path he's worked for and I hopefully will too. 

This month's goals also spilled into my relationships with other people, whether it be at work, or complete strangers. I interact with strangers a lot in my job. A little part of me will always judge people for poor spelling or the poor choices that they make; however, I am trying to understand from their perspective. 

Finally, the goal of "Showing Up" is on my list several times. To me, this means showing support for people by being their for them mentally and physically. I find this to be most challenging because of my tight schedule. I worked hard to have dinner dates with friends, attending events hosted by friends (aka Geek Trivia), and listening to people. This is hard, and I am tired and possibly over-extended, but it feels good being there. 

So am I happier? Well, I can say yes! I had a fantastic trip, I appreciate more, I've done many things that I never thought I would do and I'm focusing on a more positive future. So far, so good!

What's up for July? Ironically, I'd like to focus on work. I will:
  • Meet new people
  • No Gossip
  • Listen and engage
  • Learn phrases in other languages
  • Be qualified

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Positive Thinking vs. Detachment from Reality

Here's an interesting question for you followers of positive thinking. When does positive thinking and positive vision become detachment from reality?

In review: According to The Power and The Secret by Rhonda Powell, the Laws of Attraction state that if you think positive thoughts and envision what you want, will eventually come to you. I believe there's some truth to the statement being that in order to feel happier, one must actually want to be happy. For that matter, one must believe in happiness. (Original Happiness Project blog here).

So you wander around life thinking the best in everything and every situation. You hope for the perfect outcome and supposedly it will come? It's a kind of head-in-the-clouds approach. My dad shook me back into reality today regarding a certain topic when he said "Isn't that what you said last time?" Which was complete true. (In case you were wondering, what I said was: "I really feel it this time. This is going to be my big break.") I was trying to be uber positive and envision myself in a certain location, but it fell apart. I ended up being depressed and lost for a few weeks, then off on another flight of fancy.

Is positive thinking a band aid for reality?

Take for example horoscopes. I'm a strong believer in astrology. I've studied it, but since then lessened the mania. Though one of my first things when I find out someone's birthday is to determine how their sun sign matches with my own. My friend, Phil, is the exact opposite and he is quick to point out that broad statements found in horoscopes will apply if you believe that they will happen. Any situation for that matter

So if your horoscope says something terrible is going to happen, and you believe in astrology, then you'll be more sensitive to looking for the thing that makes the horoscope true. Hey, we all need something to believe in - something to know that the things that happen to us may be out of our control all along.

Luckily, like a good parent my dad saw reality hit me and brought me back from worrying. He reminded me "No regrets, right?" He's right. I don't have no time fo' no regrets.

What is real?

In the past I've always guarded myself, many time self-deprecating and shielding with negative thoughts. That may be closer to reality, but I'm not ready to give up the positive stuff yet. I have a couple of friends from college who seem to exude positive energy. Yet, they seem happy and wildly successful.

In conclusion, I think it's okay to be positive, but have realistic expectations.

 "Don't wish, Don't Start. Wishing only wounds the heart." - Wicked

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 10 : June 5th Vancouver to Seattle

June 5th

I keep saying this, but this was a great day. John and I started out visiting the Vancouver Aquarium. It reminded me a lot of NEAQ, both of which has a focus on education and local marine life. I love visiting institutions like this. The only bad part was the random and unexpected butterfly garden. John does well when I get into the phobia/paranoia mode. This aquarium also allowed me to see the only sea mammals I missed on the cruise. This was also the first time I saw a Pacific Whitesided Dolphin, which are native to the West coast.

After the aquarium we walked the famous seawall. I've gotten use to walking at this point and so I had the bright idea to walk along the wall from the aquarium to the bridge. Then lured by the next turn and the next we kept walking. According to the mile markers we walked 3.6 miles, which is fine given the amount of calories we consumed on the ship.

Around 4pm we decided to start driving back to Seattle. The longest part was crossing the border from Canada to the US. It was not a good idea to try to do so during rush hour on a weekend. It took about 45-minutes, but luckily we were close enough to turn our phones back on for entertainment. Side note: During the week my phone was off I received 68-emails. Mostly spam, but also some interesting writing opportunities.

John found an interest road a/k/a the scenic route. I have an affinity for the scenic route. In this case, weeks earlier I told him about my dream to be driving along a cliff with water on one side and cliff on the other. He found State Road 11, which had exactly such a route. We stopped at every lookout point we could find. John and Alex the Whale were so patient as I took an obnoxious amount of photos to remember each place.

We stopped at Larrabee State Park around 8pm, with the park closing at 9pm. It was still daylight as we hiked a bit to a hidden and deserted pebble beach. I've dreamed of a place like this. It's not a beach with waves or sand, but worn logs in a protected cove. When I think of Washington state and Oregon, I think of scenes like this. The water gently lapping onto the shore. I was certain that whales would love to hang out there, but I was also sure that we wouldn't see them.

I had another phobia moment when we noticed thousands of caterpillars on anything wooden. Again, John did very well handling me during the freak out. I lost my mind as I envisioned those thousands of caterpillars turning into thousands of butterflies. Yuck! Thinking about it now sends shivers up my spine.

We continued driving through coastal towns and through beautiful roads where the trees towered above forming a cathedral-like ceiling. We passed through farms that found fertile ground in the valleys between the sea and the mountains. More domestic animals like cows, sheep, horses, and llamas.

We made it back to Seattle by 10pm. When I rented the car my gut told me to buy the full insurance. I normally wouldn't, but I did anyway. Good thing too because within 10-minutes away from our destination a rock hit and cracked the windshield. I worried for a bit, but luckily the insurance covered it completely.

We checked in our final night before the flights in the morning. Here's a fun side story. (If you're John's mom don't read anymore.) I got out of the shower in the morning, changed, and started packing, while John was still asleep. I decided not to nag as part of my happiness project and figured that he would get up eventually, so we could return the car. Well, he woke up very briskly when the fire alarm went off at 8am. John starts running towards the door, and I think great fire! Except he turns and runs into the bathroom. I guess, no time like the present. I quickly threw our stuff into the bags and checked out to see if there is a real fire. I return after not smelling smoke, but the alarm was still going off. Where was John? He was taking a shower. I joke because John hears a fire alarm and his first instinct is to take a shower.  Not a short shower either. I really need to get him to read The Survivors Club. Part of me felt bad for leaving him, but I wasn't about to potentially die. During his lengthy shower, with the alarm going off, I plotted several additional escape routes in case I was wrong.

Cut to returning the car and rushing to the airport. The rest is history and well documented via Facebook. Definite kudos go out to John who pretty much handled our travelling crisis as I was incapacitated by rage and hormones.

Day 9 : June 4th Seattle to Vancouver, BC

June 4th

Vacation part 2! We ate our last breakfast on-board and de-boarded the ship. It was relatively easy getting through customs and finding our luggage. I planned weeks before to rent a car and drive to Vancouver, BC. A few years back my cousin Karyn and her husband moved to Canada and I have not seen her in years. Being in the Pacific Northwest was the perfect excuse to visit. 

Once again we lucked out by receiving a complimentary upgrade to the rental vehicle with a UO discount. (Win!) We got an awesome Hyundai Santa Fe that had amazing gas mileage. I printed maps a long while ago, but it's mostly one road (I-5) North. This was also the same road that had the bridge collapse a few weeks earlier. 

Vancouver is only a 2.5 hours drive. We lucked out without hitting any traffic at the border. I love driving. I do my best thinking when I'm driving. When I drive on pretty roads my imagination just goes wild. I wish there were a way to record thoughts as they happen because I wrote some great lines, but could not write them down because I was driving. 

We met my cousin at her house around 3:15pm, which is also when I met her children for the first time. I always joked that I wanted to meet them before they turned 18. So cute. Johnny is great with little kids and had the little girl's friendship in minutes. I brought presents from Disney World and hope they will visit us someday. It felt so good to catch up. While it seemed so long since we last saw each other, and an entire lifetime seemed to have passed, we chatted like it was yesterday.

Karyn took us to Granville Island, which had an amazing market and art community. Then we had dinner on the docks. Possibly the best fish and chips ever. The reunion was short, but amazing. One of my future Happiness Project goals in the future is to reconnect and this was a great first step. Saying goodbye for now made me sad, and I usually do not feel emotion. Somehow I think this vacation allowed me to let my guard down. As we parted ways I thanked John for accompanying me on this visit and I wished out loud that I would have more meaningful encounters with family. 

It's interesting visiting a town where someone else lives. I know that's a strange statement, but usually people visit me in Orlando and I just say you gotta do Disney or whatever I normally say at work. Being a tourist is kinda fun. We got some great tips for our next day in Vancouver. 

Day 8 : June 3rd Victoria, BC

June 3rd

My frontier journal stopped because the rest seemed to be a whirlwind. Our final stop on the cruise was Victoria, British Columbia. We arrived at 7pm and were scheduled to depart at midnight. We waited and decided to have our final meal on-board. As with all cruises, we got attached to our waitstaff. Our waiter was Karnitas from Bali, Indonesia. He works on the ship while his family of four remains at home. He's a pretty young guy and did well so we were sure to tip him well. Then our secondary waiter was Roy from the Philippines. They were kind. We saw them both during the breakfast/lunch shifts at the buffet and then the dinner shifts. The final food staff performance was a spoof lyric of "Leaving on a jet plane" except re-written to "Leaving on a cruise ship." I think they had fun.

We made our way off the ship and again trusting Johnny's navigation skills walked 2.1 km to downtown Victoria. I admit that I was being a brat and non-believer, but we eventually got there before it got dark. I negotiated with John that if we HAD to walk, then we would take a cab back to port.

The town seemed very cultural with dozens of museums and cultural buildings. Unfortunately, because it was so late it was all closed. I picked up a few souvenirs and we milled about for an hour before finding the cab back.

Earlier that afternoon we packed and somehow it all fit in the luggage.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 7 : June 2nd Ketchikan, Alaska

June 2nd

I didn't write yesterday because I took some Chinese-based sea sick medication that first gave me hallucination then I passed out for 17 hours. We were in Juneau yesterday. John planned for us to try a whale watch and salmon bake. It is no secret that my favorite whale/dolphins are killer whales. Up until yesterday I've only seen them in captivity. We came to Alaska for adventure, a change of scenery, and whales. The day did not start promising. Like in Skagway, it was cold and raining. To my delight, we boarded a small boat and the rain stopped. 

It was a group of 32 of us and a comfy boat with large windows. Definitely built for whale watching. No more than five minutes out, I spotted a tail, which alerted the pilot and captain. Making our way over to the area, we found ourselves surrounded by about five killer whales. It was just like the end of Free Willy. Dorsal fins breaking the surface of the water, followed by a puff of steam from their blowholes. Unlike the whales at SeaWorld these had dorsal fins that stood straight and strong. Some wobbled because they were so tall. The first pair were far away, but a second pair came closer. This pair had a much larger male and pretty female. We chased some humpbacks, but they were boring. One humpback breached his whole body out of the water and made a huge splash. We saw sea lions and eagles. We ended our whale watch with another pair of Orcas just moseying along the shore. 

An interesting note: the intern on the boat was from Ft. Myers. The Captain's day job was working for the state, and the pilot was probably drunk. Our bus driver was a younger kid named Nathaniel Hobbs. The young people come here during the summer to work in the tourism industry. I guess in their free time, they enjoy the scenery. Expect all these characters in my next book. 

Then we left for the Salmon bake. The salmon bake was an outdoorsy wooded area. The salmon was so pink and definitely fresh. It had a very sweet maple glaze. There was also salmon in the Cesar salad. The best was the delicious wild rice pilaf, and cheesy potatoes. We roasted marshmallows by a campfire in the rain and then went on a hike to a waterfall. There are a lot of local singers in Alaska. This guy sang a song about lost soul and people who come here to find their way.  

When we made our way back to the ship, we both passed out, only waking for dinner. The medication made me see the mountains move and trees shift. Then it made me have a serious bout of the munchies. 

Today was out final port in Alaska - Ketchikan. It was the one sunny port even though it rains here 360 days a year. Today was also the day we're snorkeling in Alaska. I brought my own mask, which I haven't used since Boston. The shop reminded me of my old dive shop - East Coast Divers in Mass. We donned our cold water gear, which consists of a 7mm wet suit  hood, gloves, and boots, and waded into the 48-degree water. It was cold, but not life threateningly cold. Apparently this is a past time for native Ketchikans. The waters were murky, but clear in some spots. The worst part was getting in as that cold water crept into the suit. It felt like knives piercing the skin. After the initial shock, it felt much better. I wouldn't say warm, but bearable. 

In the water there were a bunch of invertebrates (sea stars, sea cucumbers, limets, sea urchins) and some fish. We also got close to an eagle and uncomfortable close to jellyfish. We saw a wild sunflower star with 16-24 legs. Overall, a great experience. 

Our time in Ketchikan was short, so after an hour in the water, we all got out and changed. We made our way back to town and had an hour to spare. We took time to have lunch on the docks. I bought myself a fleece that says Alaska as a fond souvenir. 

As I write, we just came back from a lecture about whales by the naturalist. It was very anti-captivity, but I can't blame her after seeing these wild whales. It is where they are supposed to be. Tomorrow night, will be at our last stop - Victoria, BC. I have no idea how we are going to pack all of our stuff, especially all the souvenirs. Then we will drive North. 

This has been a great week. I'm itching to check my email, but it's nice to get away. People come to Alaska because it is one of the last frontiers. Admittedly, we only visited heavily tourist areas, but still got a taste of a completely different way of life. I've been watching Alaska TV shows on National Geographic on rerun, because it is one of the few TV channels on the ship. Life here is much different than in "the lower 48." Some come for the adventure, while others come for freedom. I came looking for whales and mountains. I found what I was looking for. I am sad that I probably will not be back for a long time. If ever. 

Believe me when I say I've thought about all the jobs I could take if I lived here. I think my 2nd book has a lot more in-depth thought now. I just need to finish the first book first. I've romanticized leaving it all and coming to Alaska to live and write just like the old school style. Then reality sets in. It's a nice thought when you have a comfortable room and unlimited food already paid for. It would be much different in real life. 

Yesterday we saw the only McDonald's in Juneau, AK. According to the guide, they sold 17,000 hamburgers their first day. To me it looked rather run down compared to the three-story super McDonald's on I-Drive. Gas, despite being drilled in the Northern part of the state, was over $4.00 a gallon. The people who live here seem to love it. 

In truth, I completely over-packed, while John under-packed  I should not have brought 75% of the items packed. Like the flip flops. I think I will write a post about packing for Alaska in the future. 


The snorkeling was one of my favorite parts of this trip. It was very well handled and had some great gear. Cold water diving is so much different that colorful warm water diving. Cold water animals are heartier and well-adapted. Nothing feels better than getting out of cold water and warming up from the inside out. Cold water also makes my hair and skin look fantastic!

Day 6 : June 1st Juneau, Alaska

June 1st

I did not write a journal entry on this day because the medication I took knocked me and John out. We went whale watching in Juneau. It was a cozy, but powerful boat that had large viewing windows. Now we saw whales, tons of humpback whales, but everyone knows that my favorites are killer whales. If ever I was meant to see these creatures in the wild it would have been today. I kept my expectations low as killer whales are said to be sighted 1:10 times. I also heard from the day before that killer whales were seen leaving the area.

You can say it was my destiny, but our boat left the dock and headed out towards the bays. Something immediately caught my eye and I screamed "Tail!" Of course no one believed me, because it was so close to shore, but the pilot went in that direction anyway. Of course it was a whale and of course it was a killer whale.

There's no mistaking that black and white. I know my heart skipped a beat as I saw those strong tall dorsal fins break the surface of the water. Ever since my brother and I saw Free Willy, we called the whale's dorsal fin a butter knife because it looks like it cuts through the water. I was sad that I could not share the moment with my family, but I'll have fond memories.

At it's peak we saw about six killer whales around the boat. The header photo here is so far from reality, very rarely do whales jump out of the water like that. Instead, mostly I saw this:

No matter how far away they were, they were close enough and they were free. We continued and found some random whales lounging about. We ended the tour very close to a family of three whales along the shoreline. We were so close that we could hear them breathing. The baby one rolled on its back and gave us a flipper wave before diving beneath the surface. That was the last we saw of them. 

At this point, I could die and feel fulfilled. It also was the moment that I got an idea for my next book. 

Day 5 : May 31st Skagway, Alaska

May 31st

Yesterday's trip to Tracy's Arm Fjord exceeded my expectations. I came to Alaska looking for mountains and I saw mountains. Some with snow caps, some with verdant vegetation, others with rocky cliffs. Our ship was dwarfed on both sides by peaks and valleys. The waterfalls that dribbled off the sides of the cliff were sourced by snow melt. As for wildlife, we saw seals, birds, eagles, 2 whales, and a black bear. The weather was also great, colder and windier as we got close to the glacier. There were giant icebergs. Particles were so condensed that the only color they radiated was a brilliant blue. 

Today was our first port of call, Skagway, Alaska. This town thrives only on tourism and is basically one block by seven blocks long. Only in the summer it is filled with people visiting in for the day via cruise ship. We did all of our shopping today and mailed the post cards. The post office was larger than Gotha's, but largely understaffed. In fact, the system crashed and we had to leave. Then they closed for lunch for an hour. 

The weather started as bearable, just cold and cloudy, but then by the time of our excursion, it was a heavier cold rain. We dropped off our purchases and made our way off again. Rock climbing and rappelling  I'm not exactly the outdoorsy type, but I never let the comfort zone get in my way. So despite the rain and cold, we tried to climb. John did great. He's tenacious, but may think that physics are like video games. I'm not a climber, it goes against everything I was told to do as a kid. The rappelling part was most interesting. We hiked to the top of a 75-foot cliff then leaned backs toward the ground and rappelled down. I did it relatively easily, expect that my response to fear is anger. I took it upon myself to yell and insult the nice young rock climbing guides. They were all amused. By the end we were sore, tired, wet, and cold. Nothing a warm sauna and hot shower didn't fix. 

Tonight's dinner was great too. I love a good chicken noodle soup and turkey. Delish! 

Skagway is the definition of tiny town. It has two bars, but when the cruise ship leaves so does a majority of the population. This town is more reliant on tourism than Orlando. This was also our first time breathing Alaskan air. It's clean and crisp. This is also probably best known for the Yukon train, which used to bring gold hunters to local mines.

Also, when I said that we did all our shopping here, we really did. We bought so many souvenirs that I thought we may need to purchase another suitcase. I bought some totem poles, random souvenirs, a watch, smoked salmon, and an awesome sea life coloring book, which I'll blog about later. The post office was a hot mess and good thing I bought stamps before their lunch break. Ironically, the post cards arrived at their destinations the day we returned to Orlando. The post mark came from Juneau, AK.

We were perfectly safe with these rock climbing guides certified and trained by Alaskan Mountain Guides. They're all so young! All the equipment was provided, but the biggest challenge was the cold and rain. I'm not sure that it was my thing, but definitely a good Alaskan adventure.

Day 4 : May 30th Tracy's Arm Fjord

May 30th

This morning we awoke to the most magnificent sight. Mountains with tops covered in snow, seemingly jetting out from the sea. The bases covered in fog. The mountains dotted with tall evergreen trees. It was exactly what I wanted to see. I am glad I woke up because now our ship is enveloped by fog. 

Again, coming from Florida and even the Northeast, I've only seen mountains like this on TV. It's cold, cold enough to say that I did not come prepared. John doesn't look prepared either. While the Naturalist says it's 50-degrees, it feels much colder. 

Today as we cruise through a fjord, we will see a glacier. The water here is so calm that it is still except for the wake made by the boat. Ok now for the good part. 

Words cannot describe the feelings I felt yesterday as we cruised through an inlet. It was a feeling I've waited for all my life. I'e been looking for them for a long time. Around 4:15pm we finished playing trivia, when the Naturalist came over the ship's speaker. Whales were spotted at the front of the boat. John and I jumped out of our skins and ran outside. We were on a lower level without our camera or binoculars. Not wanting to miss them, we stayed on the lower desk. Then they came. 

The first spout broke the surface of the water. To someone who doesn't care it wouldn't be anything significant, but it's a whale and everyone loves whales. A free autonomous whale. Humpback whale to be exact and characterized by its small dorsal fin on its lower back and double blow holes. I've studied whales all of my life and never in the wild, which makes the encounter all the more significant. These animals have huge lungs, which allow them to dive and hold their breath for a long time. When they surface to exhale, it's like a geyser letting off steam. That first whale I saw made the whole trip worth it. So much expectation and hope. Then of course we exceeded expectations as the boat was surrounded by whales. Whales breathing, resting, and doing other whale things. I must have seen more than 20 individuals, just enjoying their daily life. The boat turned into a huge whale watching vessel, but it wasn't crowded. 

John and I eventually made our way to the upper decks. We were literally surrounded by these massive beings. One family was resting so close we could see the Barnacles on her nose. It was a mother and her calf just resting at the surface. Part of me was sad that we did not have the camera, but the other part of me knows that the photos would not do the experience justice. So many times we are focused on taking the photo with a good result, that we forget to look. A little splash here or a little mist there. Flukes in the air were tiny, but perfectly captured in my memory. We were exactly where we needed to be. There's still one more set of whales that I need to see in the wild before I feel completely satisfied, but for now I can say that at least we fulfilled the "Whalentee."

Yesterday's dinner was formal and tasted much better than the day before. The trick is to learn what is in the buffet for lunch and not order any remotely similar items. Yesterday's dinner was lobster, which was delicious. John must have looked so disappointed that he finished his that our waiter brought him an entire additional entree, which he also cleared entirely. If I ever get a chance, I'd like to profile the life of a cruise ship worker. It seems that many work on ships to send money home. They feign happiness and are tortured into crowd pleasing tricks. There are 930 crew on board and the may only work on tips. 7 days a week for months on end with very long hours. It must be hard. 

A fjord is a valley carved by the movement of a glacier. A glacier is a huge hunk of ice that grinds it's way through the earth. The snow fills in at the top and the glacier grows. Unfortunately, we're experiencing global warming, so the amount of snow packed on the top does not match the melting period. The water in a fjord is deep, like 1000-feet deep, so a cruise ship can definitely fit. Interestingly, cruise ships hire local pilots who are familiar with the waters to navigate the ships through these treacherous waters. Picking up the pilot is interesting. The boat slows down a little and out of no where a smaller speedy boat matches speed and comes along side the ship. Then they open a side door and the pilot literally jumps ship.

This fjord winds its way 30-miles inland. Each turn seemed to reveal another stunning scene. Another higher peak, another waterfall, another amazing moment. It was also where I saw my first iceberg. When you think iceberg and boat you think Titanic. Luckily we picked up that pilot. A few small bergs hit the side of the boat which sounded like a beat on a large metal drum. Icebergs are so dense that they absorb all light rays except blue, which is what makes them so blue.

We took hundreds of photos during the fjord. Essentially it was a lot of mountain and trees.

Day 3: May 29th Day at Sea

May 29th

Yesterday we took off. It was much colder the moment we passed out of the inlet. We saw many cliff side houses. Again, I wonder how they live. Still no whale sightings. It started raining, cold rain. Dinner was disappointing as it was the same food from the buffet. Tonight is formal night, hopefully it will be better. 

Time has proven to be a challenge for us. Without a watch (duh) or cell phones, we have no idea what time it is. We always travel around the ship with a pair of binoculars (good idea) and now the camera. The time change - 4 hours behind has worked in John's favor. I'm not dealing as well with it. The sun comes up at 4:30am, which is 7:30am EST. So I'm up. In my older age - yes. 

Funny side note story - There was a club for 18-25 year olds only. I had a moment yesterday when I realized that while we don't look it, that it's completely out of our age range. They were kicking the older ladies and men out. Apparently, we're in the middle-age group (Yikes!) or more like the explorers that save and came here for nature. 

There are older people here, really old who crowd the elevators. We usually take the stairs. We wash our hands a lot. Interestingly, they asked if either has had flu symptoms over the few weeks. I wonder what would have happen if someone would say yes?

Today, we have a day at sea. I think I will attend several "Lectures" and trivia games. Do shopping, gym and be on the lookout for whales. Right now, it's gently rocking, but not rough. I feel ok, which is good. We eat dinner over the engine, which is very bumpy. Like eating next to the Hulk. 

Happiness Project day 2 was much better. I find myself repeating my goals and being more flexible. He really is a joy once you let him be what he wants. I realize that we're jamming a lot into a short time, so it's best to let go of the plans and enjoy the moment. 

An interesting note about the cruise. Carnival is great, but very different than Royal Caribbean. The team is much less formal and don't try to hide the fact they're tired. On the Alaskan cruise there's a naturalist. If ever I were to work on a ship, I'd want to be a naturalist. My Florida "cold weather" gear has got nothing on the true cold. Definitely a different form of vacation, but this is exactly what I was looking for in my middle age.  

We really did go to the gym. John worked out for an hour, while I sat on the bike for 5-minutes. Yup, I'm more of a pilates/yoga girl. Most of this day consisted of eating, napping, and listening to the naturalist. I completely over packed, so I made it a point to wear many layers. Shout out to Crystal who lent me her winter jacket (the blue one). This was also the day that we saw whales (More on that in the next journal entry).

This was also the day that I wrote out the postcards.

Formal night food was much better. We had lobster or two. This was definitely the best meal of the trip.

Day 2 : May 28th Seattle and Bon Voyage

May 28th

Technically we checked in early this morning to a quaint Travelodge. Sketchy at first, but it has free WiFi and free breakfast. 

We begin our adventure in Seattle - home of Fraiser- and the 1960's World's Fair. We will be visiting the Space Needle and maybe the first Starbucks. 

This was the day we were to embark on the cruise, but being on East Coast time allowed me to wake up very early in the morning. Unfortunately for John, I woke up very early. The free breakfast was good enough. We arranged a shuttle to take us to the port at 11am, so we had a few hours to explore Seattle. John and I looked at the Space Needle then decided against it. Tourist trap for sure. Instead, we decided to walk to Pike's Place, which is a market. It was just a mere 0.5 miles, which was about a 20-minute walk. Anyone who knows me, also knows, I'm not physically active often, so walking places is my least favorite activity. This was also our first experience navigating old school style with a map.

Remember, this month's Happiness Project goal is having a better relationship. The day before did not end well, because I was a brat and tired. Misplaced expectations and so on, today I decided I would be better. It really helps to remember and recite those goals over and over to help change my normal reactionary behavior. Rather than getting upset, I focused on appreciating the journey and the company I was with.

Following John's navigation skills, we made it to Pike's Place. We also found the first Starbucks, which does not look anything like a Starbucks. We opted not to go inside, because neither of us drinks coffee. I can't imagine this place starting any trends in American culture, but I never would have expected to ever visit Seattle in the first place. Also, if you do like coffee, Seattle is a must-visit location. There is a coffee shop on every corner.

Making our way across the street, we entered the market by 8am. Many vendors were just starting to set up, but the fresh fish, flowers, and produce were already out. One thing that I regret was packing too much, which also meant less room to buy lots of things. Especially since, this was really our first day of traveling, it was hard not to buy random gifts for people. Markets like these are cool because you see a mix of everything. We did not see anyone buy fish, so no fish went flying across the aisle. Underneath the street-level market were tons of tiny shops. We ended up buying stuff anyway.

We made our way back to the Travelodge and were picked up by the shuttle. I think this is also where we met our first pot head. Marijuana is legal in Washington state. He was very knowledgeable about the city, but rambled on. This shuttle was also where we met an older couple who were also cruising.

By 11:45am we were at the docks. The check-in process was a breeze. Unfortunately, we ran out of room, so we had to carry Alex and my jackets by hand. Bringing your own whale on your Alaskan cruise got a few laughs. Interestingly one of the questions during the check-in process was "Have you or have you been exposed to the flu in the past 4-6 weeks?" We both said no, but I can't imagine what would happen if someone said yes. I feel like that's probably a question they should ask you before you actually arrive at check-in.

We boarded the Carnival Miracle and began exploring the ship. There are 10 decks and food on deck 9. I spent a lot of time on Deck 9. On the top deck is where we took our obligatory Facebook photo and then we settled down for our first meal. At 1:30pm our rooms were ready. I called Carnival in hopes of getting an unobstructed view balcony cabin. It's a longer story than that, but I scared a reservation agent into putting a request into our file. So holding our breath, we entered the cabin on Deck 6 - conveniently located three floors above the formal dining room, and three floors under the deck 9 dining. It was perfect and had a nice little balcony with views of the water. Ironically, the decor of the ship was classic novels. Our room was located near the massive portrait of The Phantom of the Opera. Yet, another hint that this trip was meant to be.

The ship blasted off at 4pm and that's when I turned off my cell phone for an entire week.