Ok, I'm not one to see something on TV and feels the need to buy it, but all the stars aligned: I had some expendable income that was burning a hole in my pocket; I have insanely dry skin in the summer; and I was watching TV.
I was watching ABC's SharkTank, which is where people pitch these ideas to D-list celebrities who have money to invest in businesses. My parents and I watch this from time to time. A young, well-spoken woman came on and pitched her sugar scrub line. Typical stuff with all natural ingredients that promise smooth skin and maybe some cures for dry skin. I wasn't committed at the time, but I though "oh how nice." Later that night, I felt the itch to buy something and decided to check out some web sites. I need shoes, clothes, and gasoline. I also decided to check out the Simple Sugars website.
First, I was impressed by the tone. Lani (the creator) chooses a more informal tone that clearly targets younger women. Then she grabbed me by the variety of smells and scrub products. I am not a scrub person, actually, I am not a person who puts myself within my top 10 priorities; however, I am trying to change that. I need to take better care of myself, but more on that later.
The prices were fair. For a 16-oz tub of scrub is $16.95, while an 8-oz tub is $11.95. Logic told me to just go make my own scrub with a Pinterest recipe, but 1) I do not have time, 2) don't have the patience to be mixing oils, and 3) probably would end up making a product that would burn my face off. Also, I love supporting small businesses. If I look at a business model and immediately think "Oh I'd love to work there," then I do not mind spending my money.
So I forego the shoes, clothes, and gasoline for two weeks and bought two scrubs. Green Tea with Tea Tree Oil 5-oz Facial Scrub for $16.95 and a Peach-scented body scrub. For some reason, I was insanely excited and couldn't wait for the product to get here. Due to the popularity of the scrub after the re-airing of the television episode, it took a little longer than expected, but a reasonable amount of time.
Today the product got here in a cute little box. It comes with tiny stirring spoons. I love tiny spoons! You start by using the tiny spoons to mix the sugar, so the oils are evenly distributed. Then you put some stuff on your fingers and scrub. Immediately, I was hit by the aromas, which were pleasant. It was difficult trying to determine the consistency of the scrub. You don't want it too wet or too dry. I think I went too dry this first time. I started with the facial scrub. It felt rough, but good. I left it on for a few moments as I hopped into the shower. As I rinsed it off, I could feel what felt like an oily film on my face, but then I realized that was just smoothness. The scrub does not feel oily at all. In fact, my skin is insanely smooth.
Tomorrow, I will try the Peach body scrub and cannot wait! I think I will make this my Saturday/Sunday routine. Just something to treat myself.
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