Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: A Year in Review

It turns out that as you get older time really does fly faster. This year went by in a blink of an eye.

Took the LSAT in October.
Graduated in December.
Started working part-time at a law firm.
Started dancing ballet again.
Became the Social Media and Customer Service guru for my dad's car washes.
Got a story published in a literary magazine.
Voted (again)

It's not of a list that I would like, but many of my big long term projects were completed. Overall, I feel pretty good about it. I also think that 2013 will be another big year. I really want to focus on taking care of myself. I really let myself go this past year. I want to refine, and mature while working towards my goals.

1. Become a better extreme couponer. It doesn't count if you leave your coupons at home when you go to the store.
2. More ballet. More yoga!
3. Decide something about my career.
4. Write more.
5. Read more.

So here's to the next year always being better than the last.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Crafting: Etched Wine Glasses

For the second year in a row, I've done etched wine/drink glasses as gifts. I must say they look awesome this year. I wanted to create something unique, but also something that I know would be useful. Behold, the first names of the receivers written in Chinese, etched onto wine glasses. It came out so well, that I was thinking of selling a set on Etsy, but then I saw how much of a cut they take.

Both of these glasses took me about 4 hours. Drinking an energy drink prior to etching is not recommended. Right now my head is spinning with ideas for my next project, including ocean themed items.

If you are interested in purchasing a personalized etched wine glass with your name written in English or Chinese. I'm charging $25.00 a piece. Shipping is included, but it definitely won't get there before Christmas. No refunds.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Treatise on Tragedy

The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives - the death of genuine feeling, the death of inspired response, the awareness that makes it possible to feel the pain or the glory of other men in yourself. - Norman Cousins

Like many people, I'm trying to wrap my mind around the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. Suddenly, the third-wall of tragedy broke, and everyone feels vulnerable. It's never a bunch of child molesters or bad criminals that get killed en mass, instead it's the most innocent. People just going about their daily lives.

There will be many debates in the future. Some will say that more guns are the answer, others will say that they are the problem.  I don't think that there is an answer, because the root of the problem is not guns. I believe that tragedies happen because people have lost touch with humanity.

How many times a day do we all avoid contact with people.  Some of us are forced to, but how many of those those interactions are genuine? I know that I am guilty of text messaging or emailing as oppose to calling. Avoiding eye contact with strangers. I find that I'd rather troll the Internet than going out. Others find joy playing video games and only interacting with others who are also playing in this cyber universe. With more technology making the world smaller, it is also isolating us.

I get that statistically these events are overall are rare, but I foresee an increase in tragic events because people no longer understand other people. Without those physical interactions, strangers become objects. Other people's feelings and emotions are just background noise. And sometimes fantasy can blur with reality.

Tonight, President Obama said in his call to action that "To end them [tragedies], we must change." Obama and many others mean to change laws. People clearly do not always follow laws. I think to end tragedy, we must change the world culture. We must remember that we are not alone. We live in a world with others. We may not like the other people, but they're still there. We must learn to be tolerant and sympathetic. We must learn to listen, and to understand the struggles of others. Only then, can we truly end the hurt.

We owe it to each other and to our future kids to try to stop these tragedies from happening in the future.

I am amazed by the stories coming from Sandy Hook. Stories of heroes and the people who lived their lives so passionately. I am sad for the families and I hope that they will all find peace.  I spent a lot of tonight reading about the people and children who died. Victoria Soto was my age. I am struck by her beauty and her bravery.

Jessica Rekos was 6 years old. This blog entry is dedicated to her. I find myself instantly drawn to this girl, for her smile, her leadership ability, and her love of orca whales. RIP Jessica and all the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thank you speech - Graduation 2012

Today is December 12, 2012, and I am graduating from Valencia College in Orlando, FL with my Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies. Despite already having a Bachelor's degree, I wanted to go back to school, to pursue what I thought, at the time, was "my bliss."  I learned so much along the way and worked so hard. My commute to and from school was an hour both ways, three times a week after work. Now it is done. There are many people to thank that helped me along my way.

First,my family and friends. You all were my support network. No dolphin can swim without their pod, so it was very good to have one that was always there. I was absent for so many things, and had to sacrifice so much time to pursue this degree. I am just glad that no one thought any less of me during my self-loathing stressful moments.

Second, my employer who has always been generous with providing me a flexible work schedule.  Also having the benefit of tuition reimbursement and a strong support network in my office, always encouraging me to do more. My co-workers have been my idea boards and my stress-relief.

Next, my car. Oh Nissan Sentra, you have shuttled me back and forth to school and work, then back again, without fail. We've traveled over 30,000 miles in the past two years. You've been my shelter - providing my a safe place to sleep, to wait, and to study. My kitchen, my closet, and at times, my dumpster. We nearly died a couple of times on I-4, but you never gave up until we got home safe.

My teachers and mentors. I didn't realize what a strong network I had until these past few weeks, with my mid-mid life crisis. I've learned so much and am humbled with the knowledge and guidance bestowed upon me. I have grown in maturity and professionally.

Katie Lewis - We started this crazy journey together, literally driving around East Orlando, because of a Yahoo article that we read. I am glad that we can help each other and motivate each other.

Finally, my classmates. We have been through this together, it was hard. Even going to BU, I was so sheltered from the struggles that real people faced. I've learned a lot from you all and hope that today's class is not the end of some of our friendships.

So, thank you all for your support. I feel like I accomplished a lot. While I do not know where my path will lead next, it is safe to say, that I would never be anywhere or move forward without all of you.

Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom: Clever Operations

Facts: Walt Disney fans love to collect things. People like free things. The Magic Kingdom tries to reinvent itself frequently. Disney is always at the forefront of technology.

Given all these facts it is no wonder that Disney created this card game. It's a mix between the old Kim Possible (from Epcot) meets Pokemon. Guests wishing to play sign up for Free at the Firestation upon entering the Magic Kingdom. You're given a Key Card and a set of five playing cards per person. After a brief introduction you are sent on your way.

The Plot:  Disney's villains are doing something bad in the Magic Kingdom. It is your job as the sorcerer to use your magic cards to stop them.

Once you begin you are sent on your way to find your first Portal. The Portals are located in each of the Magic Kingdom lands, except for Tomorrowland. The technology is quite fascinating. The key activates the Portal, either by QR code, touch, or magic. You watch the screen for the plot and are prompted to use the cards. Then you are sent on your way to the next location. Overall the game take hours to play.

From an operations standpoint, it is an interesting way to manipulate crowds. I'm sure it's not manipulating too many people, but since there are so many combinations and locations, the game can move people to less crowded areas. I found myself running from one side of an area, all the way back to another. My feet hurt.

When you add the Disney factor to anything, you have die hard people. I found a lot of them today. People who "professionally" play this game. We saw people with binders of cards, traveling alone, just playing. There are unofficial trading locations where people gather to trade cards. There's even an underground economy, where people buy these cards on eBay. Right now, the highest price card on eBay is going for $999.99. So, apparently, it's a big thing.

John and I felt like n00bs using the map to find the Portal locations. A number of times, people just told us where to go to get us out of the way. Despite playing for five hours straight, we did not finish the game. I cannot say that I am "hooked," it's not my thing, but I will definitely go back and play this again. It's good for kids to keep them occupied, but I would not pay full priced admission to run around the park all day.

Interesting concept. Fascinating subculture. Only in Orlando.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Orlando Science Center: The Crosby Observatory

John and I decided to have a date night and visit the Orlando Science Center's Crosby Observatory for SkyWatch.

I never been to an observatory in Florida, but spend a lot of time staring at the sky when walking the pup at night. Being an Aquarius, I also have a natural fascination with the stars.

As a former OSC volunteer, I love the dedication to education the science center offers. The observatory is on the sixth floor and features a powerful, 10-inch lens refractor telescope.

Upon exiting the elevator, guests encounter a board with the rising and setting times of each of the planets and the moon. Planets come into view at night depending upon the season. Tonight, we were scheduled to see Jupiter. We were immediately greeted by a very knowledgeable OSC volunteer. (I regret not remembering his name). He took us up a spiral staircase to view the telescope. After a brief introduction, he pointed out a bright spot in the sky. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and is one of the brightest objects in the sky right now.  We peered through the lens and saw Jupiter with its red and white lines very clear. We also saw four of its moons lined perfectly. We had a very in depth conversation with the OSC volunteer. You can definitely tell how passionate he is about space.

Next we went out to the patio. Not only does it have an amazing view of Downtown Orlando's skyline, but more OSC volunteers set up smaller telescopes for additional viewing. Unfortunately, a thick set of clouds rolled in and we had to cut our trip short. I definitely want to return in the Spring to see Saturn.

I highly recommend SkyWatch to astronomy enthusiasts. It makes a great date night location and also gets points for being highly educational. Admission included access to the rest of the Science Center too. 

SkyWatch occurs on Fridays and Saturdays on the first and third weekend of the month. Weather permitting. The cost of admission after 5:00 PM is $23 for adults and $16 for youth (ages 3-11). Student discounts available. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Sweetwater Car Wash Baby DJ Marketing Plan

Goal: To gain 100 toy donations for Baby DJ toy drive from December 8 through December 20, 2012.

Materials Needed: Two large boxes, signs, wrapping paper.

Cost: 2-4 hours of labor. No monetary costs unless there is a need to supplement the lack of participation. 

Action Plan: Contact charity to receive logo collateral and details.  Place one box at each car wash location within the secured waiting room. The boxes will be marked with signs and decorated with wrapping paper. Printed signs posted in public locations. Gain publicity by updating with Facebook  and other engagement opportunities. Deliver toys on December 20th or December 21st to the warehouse location.

Challenges: Limited time frame. Saturated market in Ocoee. 

Catching 2012. Moving to 2013.

It's totally true, the older you get, the faster time flies. I did not do a blog of my 2012 New Year's resolution, but I can say that I met a lot of my goals and learned many valuable lessons. I set the bar high in 2012, and I think I met my expectations. Here's some awesome news: 
    Photo by kmoy126
  • Graduating next week with my A.S. in Paralegal Studies. Oh and I'm bragging that I won the Lambda Epilson Chi for highest academic record. AKA 3.99 GPA. Normally, I would not toot my own horn, but I worked so hard. I slept in my car, I never missed a day of class, I worked two jobs, I paid my way out of pocket without financial assistance. I did what I needed to do, and settled for nothing less. I did this because I know what happens when you don't give 100% percent. My first degree was given to me, this degree I earned.
  • I took the LSAT and got a 149. I blogged a lot about my struggles and what I needed to do to get where I thought I wanted to go. When I took the LSAT with almost a year of preparation, I knew going in that I was not where I wanted to be. I received a 149, which is better than I anticipated. By the time I received the score my priorities changed. I need to find out what makes me happy.
  • I also think I grew up a lot. I received a lot of helpful feedback and took advantage of the amazing network of people that I have around me. I've always said that each person needs someone to invest in them. I found a bunch of great people. I hope to give back, someday to. 
With that I'd like to unveil by 2013 goals:
  • Back to basics: Find out what makes me happy and do whatever it is. I do not want to think anymore, why him or her and not me? This past year proved, that I can do anything I want, if I allow myself to enjoy and be brave. I need to figure out what I want, in order to move forward. 
  • As always, read more. 2012 was sidetracked by practicing for the LSAT. I managed to read 12 books, but mind you the Game of Thrones series is ridiculously long. 
  • Gain more experience in Social Media/Marketing. This is beginning of my next master plan. More details to follow. 
  • Write more fiction. I started the first chapter of my book. I realized how lame it was so I stopped. But since the characters are still in my head, I should just finish it. 
  • Take better care of myself. I'd like to actually use conditioner on my hair. Sleep more. Eat better. Exercise more. The better I feel about myself, the easier things will get. 
  • Balance. I need better balance in my life. Less crazy person, more normal person. Look out for the mature, graceful, calm, less excitable, refined Kim. Not that I was not any of these things before, but I need the best in me to actually come out when it's time. (This will be a challenge in my current workplace that almost encourages this behavior.)
  • Be nicer to Johnny.
  • Motto: Inspire others by leading in a positive manner.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kim's 2012 Christmas List

Every year, people buy me things with lots of dolphins. I have lots of dolphins. I have a whole room full of dolphins. While, I love dolphins, I also need other things to help me function. Here are a few items I'd like for Christmas (in case anyone was wondering):

1. Andrew Lloyd Webber: Love Never Dies (Revised Version) - Sheet music for Piano/Voice - $26.99
-This version is different than the ones on Amazon. I prefer the revised edition.

2. Gaynor Minden convertible ballet tights - Adult Medium/Light Pink - $12.35

3. Barnes and Noble Gift Card

3. Since, I think I'm taking the LSAT again. I need some more material. Here are some books that I would need.

 4. I love They have such cute clothing, but alas too expensive.

5. Massages are great so Johnny doesn't have to de-stress me.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm back! - 2 month recap

I'm back and I'm alive. My past two months have been spent drilling for the LSAT and working my butt off. Some said it couldn't be done, studying for such a test and having a full-time job. Excuse me for tooting my own horn, but I not only had a 40-hour a week job, I also got a part-time job (8 hours), started ballet (1.5 hours), and continued going to school (6 hours). There is only 168 hours in a week. Now of course, I do not know my score, but I'm just proud that I made it this far. I managed to overcome a mountain. Today was the first day that I slept over 8 hours. I can't explain why I put myself  through such metal torture, but I did.

I can say that I have the best friends and family. I don't think that I would be able to do half the stuff I do without their support. I received such well wishes and a lovely card from my co-workers, who I'm sure are eager for me to be less grumpy. My parents finally figured out what was going on and clicked into the positive encouragement field. At my other job, they truly were able to sympathize and give me good pointers. Even random people on twitter were encouraging. So with this ocean of support, I did my best. I blanked out for a good 7-minutes, which I did not prepare for. I hope that I did well, but I won't know until Halloween. So trick or treat! I can't decide whether or not I'd take the test in December. I'm also praying that of the two logic games sections that were in my test, that the second was the graded and the first was the experimental, though I'm pretty sure it's the opposite.

Once the score comes back, then I will decide the rest. Take it again in December? Can I do it again for real. Wait and take it in February? Be happy and apply for law school? Or forget the whole thing? It's a lot of questions and a few big decisions.

For now, I'm enjoying my week off and doing things that I want to do - sleep, read, eat.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Secret Dancer

As kids, my parents enrolled us into karate, which is the exact opposite of what I really wanted. So college comes and I finally lived my dream of dancing. My senior year, I fell and my dreams went a different direction. It turns out that I'm just ok at ballet and not flexible at all.

Fast forward five years later to today. I miss dancing so much and I live in Orlando. A few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to take an open class with Orlando Ballet and it was love. Granted I was not able to walk or move for days afterward, but it was so nice to dance again. Next came another opportunity that I could not refuse. Finally an open set of classes that I could take and cost practically nothing. Very exciting.

While trying to get my stuff together, I realized that I gave away a lot of my favorite leotards, and apparently tights as well (who would take used tights - I do not recall).  I did have many pairs of ballet flats still sewn. It felt so nice to put the shoes on again. Not that it matters because I do not fit into the small leotards that I do have left over.

I'm apprehensive about the class. I'm much older now, and I realized from the preview class that my body cannot take the pounding that it could. But I need to do something that is fulfilling.

Oh, and I also promised my parents after I graduated that I would never dance again. So this whole thing is sorta a secret. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Magical Dining: Rangetsu

September is Orlando's Magical Dining month. This is where select fancy restaurants throughout Orlando offer 3-course meals for $30.00 per person.  Some restaurants choose to feature their best cuisine, while others fare on the cheaper side. Either way, $30.00 for some of these restaurants that an average person would normally consider as a special occasion is not bad.

The restaurants that participate are all over town from Disney to Maitland and back again. In addition to wonderful food, eating for charity makes it even better. For every magical diner, restaurants donate $1.00 to the Edgewood Children's Ranch. Yay!

When I found one of my favorite restaurants on as one of the participating restaurants I knew I had to convince the family. Upon examining the Prix Fixe menu and finding my most favorite food item on there, it was go or not exist. So on short notice, we packed up the family and headed to RanGetsu. A little history: RanGetsu use to be a traditional Japanese restaurant located on I-drive. In 2010, it closed forever and I was so sad. The food was delicious and it could easily be my most favorite restaurant. I thought all was lost until 2011, when a radio commercial announced RanGetsu's rebirth in Winter Park. Now this fusiony-Japanese restaurant makes traditional Japanese food fashionable.

On RanGetsu's Magical Dining menu are some fancy fusion appetizers and desserts, but what I really went for was the Sukiyaki. There's really no way to describe this other than you cook your own thinly-sliced meat in a pot of delicious sauce at your table. The sauce just is unami - totally savory. When we were younger, my dad use to get Sukiyaki all the time. So the taste instantly brings me back to a simpler time. 

With being only $30.00 I was expecting a tiny portion, but really, it was a full portion and almost too much food. When it came time for dessert, I knew I was going to feel too full. For dessert I had Green Tea Creme Brulee. It was definitely green and unlike anything I ever tasted. I think that's why I like events like Magical Dining. You get to try things that you would never think of eating.

So Orlando residents, if you have some extra cash and you like to eat food. I highly recommend trying out a local restaurant during September.

Hosted Cardi Party!

Old Navy Style Council gave me the opportunity to host a Cardi Party for me and three guests! This was one of my first real style parties, so it had to be over the top. People who attended got a free scard, skirt, and cardigan all courtesy of Old Navy!

I chose Victoria, Samara, and Samara brought her mom along. It's a good thing we had a grown up there, because she was definitely far more stylish than the rest of us. If it weren't for Samara's mom, I would have gone with all black and white.

I scoped out the Old Navy website a few days before the party, to see what I would like. Old Navy always has cute stuff for work and play. It's always comfortable and well priced. Needless to say, I found several outfits that would suit my needs.

We arrived at the store and began shopping for cardigans. As described by Samara's mom, look for long sleeves with buttons. Immediately we were drawn to the colors and animal prints. Love animal prints, but I usually don't wear prints to work.

Then we went to the scarf section. The scarves are so pretty and so soft. In Florida, scarves serve no other purpose than for fashion. The scarf I picked out reminded me of a peacock. It will be a great accessory for my office (which is also an icebox).

Finally, we went to the skirt section. I was looking for a nice work skirt. After debating quite a bit. I went with a black and white striped skirt. Sadly, I also realized that I am not a XS anymore. Still, the skirts were jersey knit, so they were super comfortable. I know I will feel cute and confident in it.

After a round in the dressing room, we all were ready to hit up additional accessories. I bought another tank top. Samara bought another dress. Victoria bought some pants and tops for work. Paying for these items is always my favorite part. Partly, because I have to explain time and time again about and mostly because I get to watch the amount due go from $100.00 to like $10.00. Win!

We took some fun pictures outside the store trying to jump at the same time. Impossible, but funny anyway. Thanks Crowdtap and Old Navy for a great time!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

5 Tips for a professional looking LinkedIn profile

I've been hitting the market looking for an internship. When I started sending applications and emails, the hits on my LinkedIn page spiked. Using the 'Who's viewed your profile' feature, you can see who is viewing your profile. I definitely attracted the crowd that I was hoping for. So here are some tips for a successful LinkedIn profile.

  1. Have a professional photo - Last semester, one of my professors connected with me and suggested I have a professional photo rather than a good pretty photo of me. She said to save the smiling fun photos for Facebook. So I put on my jacket and collared shirt and took a nice professional photo. I was instantly impressed with how professional and how much older I looked.
  2. Updated work experience and education - Just like an electronic resume, you should always have this portion updated. When people search for you, they will see your last or current role. A good description of each job can help future employers decide if the skills you already have will fit their needs.
  3.  Accurate specialties - LinkedIn allows you to add skill specialties to your profile, making you easier to search. Again, this helps people looking at your profile determine what skills you already have.
  4. Summary - This is like the objective section on a resume. I am not a fan of having this on a resume because this information should be included with a cover letter, but since it is the Internet, you might as well have this section filled out.
  5. Recommendations - These are always a nice addition to any profile, so people know that you're telling the truth. Much like a References List, Recommendations are other people's opinion about you. If someone recommends you, be sure to recommend them back. It's nice.
I hope this helps.  Feel free to connect with me on!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Blow me one last kiss

I've sort of dropped off the radar again. It's not for lack of trying, but I'm about to begin an insane semester. I know that I ask too much of myself. I know I ask too much of the people who like to be around me to tolerate my behavior. As a dolphin living in a human world, it is difficult for me to share my emotions. I often bottle them up. I snap at idleness. I hate when people have time to do things that they want to do like travel or sleep. I judge people harshly. I am frustrated by my studies and not making enough progress with the LSAT, which remains my bad boyfriend. I think that not allowing myself to break is negatively impacting everything else.

One of my mantras, which I found on Twitter is "You are enough. It's incredible how enough you are." At first, I was confused by this statement. Enough of what? Who is enough? It all makes sense when you think about all the stuff we do daily. It's not just that we wake up, but that we do things for other people. We worry about not getting ahead or not achieving a certain goal. To me this quote means to be content. There really is no sense in worrying too much, because what will be will be. If it's right it will happen, if not, something else will come along. No matter what, you will carry on. You don't have a choice really. What is the alternative?

I recently went on a crazy exploration into astrology. As some of you may know, I am VERY Aquarius and it complements my Aries moon sign.  I looked up which jobs work best towards certain zodiac signs.  For Aquarians, the best jobs are things that help people, but allow the Aquarian to act independently.  Jobs that are creative are also good. Nowhere close is lawyer, but writer is in the realm of possibility. Now I'm not going to base any real decisions off stars, but it's interesting to ponder anyway.

In other news, I'm very excited to start my Internship. :-)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

LSAT Notes to Self

Logical Reasoning accounts for 50% of this test. You can finish the section in a timely manner. Be calm and read slowly, actively, critically, and carefully. Find the conclusion if there is one and use it to answer the question. Pace yourself. If it's a long passage and it's tough to get through, skip it and complete shorter ones.

Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games) suck. It is only a game if you like to torture people. With that said, get over it. Start with a good diagram and follow through. No excuses for not making deductions. Read the Stimulus and first rules before diagramming. List questions are easy, do not give away those points.  Be certain during what If questions.  Use the past diagrams as possible outcomes.  Work quickly (time is of the essence).  Do not fret, if it's taking too long, then jump it and move on.

Reading Comprehension.  Make notes. Read carefully, slowly, and understand the whole. Try to find passages that work for you. Find the author's point of view and conclusion early. If there is evidence presented, determine it's role.

Writing Sample.  Do not blow this off, because it may be your saving grace. IRAC. That's what they want to see. Pick a side and defend it, do this by stating and proving why one side is much better than the other. Be the defender/ publicist. Do not spell words wrong.

I think my feelings regarding this test are best summed up by P!nk's "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)", as this test is my bad boyfriend. 

I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)
You think I'm just too serious, I think you're full of sh-t
My head is spinning so (blow me one last kiss)

Just when I think it can't get worse, I had a sh-t day (no!)
You had a sh-t day (no!), we've had a sh-t day (no!)
I think that life's too short for this, I'll pack my ignorance and bliss
I think I've had enough of this. Blow me one last kiss

37 Full Days Left....Each time get better. Do not settle for mediocre. I must go in 37 days from now knowing that I did everything that I could to prepare. I will cut myself a break maybe once a week because I work full-time and go to school full-time, but other than that it's all about time management.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Watch Out, Rainbows, LSAT

It turns out that I'm the type of person who will pull over to the side of the road to take a picture. I'm also the type of person who will pull over the side of the road to write down thoughts that pop into my head.

I find this happening more frequently as I've become more cerebral. I have things I need to remember or that I'd like to use later. I started carrying around a notebook.

Today, it was raining like crazy. In Florida people suck at driving when it starts to sprinkle. So as a jerk was about to rear-end me, I looked in my mirror. I saw the angry stupid driver and also a giant rainbow. Which is when I slammed on my breaks like an Asian woman, and took a picture of the sky. I'm totally kidding about the previous statement. I really just pulled over and took these pictures. Upon arriving home, I found the rainbow over our house too.

                                    I resurrected Kimfucious (who has not been around since my college days), and came up with the saying: "Don't be so mad because it is raining, that you miss the rainbow." That would definitely be one of those positive, literally "look on the bright side" quotes. Enjoy.

I got some things coming up. I'll tell more about them when they happen. In the mean time, I continue to study for the LSAT. Seven weeks left, I've moved onto timed practice. I am glad that I started the timing prep now, because at first I totally panicked at first.

An interesting study came out this week determining that studying for the LSAT makes your brain do things, essentially making you smarter ( I completely believe this. Since I've started my hardcore studying, I feel smarter and I see things a little bit differently. I just need a few extra neuron connections and I'm all set.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

When did I become a crazy dolphin lady?

These are the pictures from my desk at work. I won’t even show you pictures from my house, but let’s just say that we have a room just full of dolphins. I do not know when this happen, maybe it always was, but when did I become the crazy dolphin lady. People go to stores and they buy me dolphins. During Christmas time, people buy me dolphin gifts. This has occurred for as long as I can remember.

The Origin: When my brother and I were younger, during our Summer breaks from school, our parents would drive us all around the East Coast taking us to different aquariums. Any time we went on vacation, we would also go to aquariums. Possibly, the earliest memory I have is my dad holding me over a dolphin tank to feed them fish when I was 3 or 4 years old. My mom would always buy me books about the ocean and dolphins. 

When we were younger, our family use to have a friend that swore up and down that she was a dolphin in a past life. At the time, Chris and I thought she was crazy, and I thought how could anyone be that crazy. Fast forward 20 years, and it's now me. While I don't think that I was a dolphin in a past life, I seem to be at that similar level of crazy.

My brother and I can visually identify and probably tell you a couple facts about a majority of the fish in the known world. I’m better with marine mammals, but my brother can ID most fish. It’s a shame that neither of us studied Marine Biology.

I think I like dolphins because they’re intelligent, beautiful creatures. They can be mysterious or show-offs. Plus, they live in the sea.

So I guess that I’m a crazy dolphin lady. I’m sure if they could live in bathrooms I would have a bunch of them in my house. I do have one request to anyone reading this. No more dolphin gifts. I really have no use for them. What would be useful is money. If you don’t want to give me money, at least give the dolphins some money : The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Book Reviews: Divergent & The Selection

I am not sure what it is about the young adult dystopian genre that’s drawing me in.  Slap in a strong female character and a couple of cute boys and I’m definitely going to read your book.  One can liken the genre to a metaphor for my own life, stuck here in Orlando playing by society’s rules.  My love for this genre started with “The Giver” by Lois Lowry in 6th Grade, then a deep intellectual study of “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, my Junior year in college.  A couple of years later the Hunger Games series caught in mainstream. With that series over, I longed to fill the page turning void. 

DivergentEnter Divergent by Veronica Roth. This is one of those books that mix Hunger Games and The Giver. I read it in one day, which is a symptom of the dystopian genre. This book revolves around a society separated by traits like “Courage,” “Intellectual,” and “Generous”.  Not exactly the city names, but you get the idea. Upon reaching a certain age, teens get to pick between staying in their designated group, or choose to go through a trial process of joining another group. Our main female character, decides to leave her family and move to a more aggressive society. The initiation process is terrible, but of course she excels and falls for a mentor.  I think the weakest part of the story is the main character. The author made a point to inform us of her age right from the beginning, which disconnects the reader. I did enjoy the plot and the cute love story line. While still clever, the plot tips its hand too much about what will happen. Much like the trains in the story, the "ah ha" moments, you can see from a mile away. This book is part of a trilogy with the last book scheduled to come out in 2013. I am on hold for the 2nd book Insurgent, but it’s probably going to be a few weeks before it is my turn.

In previous posts, I’ve discussed how much I love ebooks from the library, the bad part is that if a book is popular then there’s a long wait time. Some people do not know how to return a book properly and then 20 days later it automatically returns into the system. Then again, it is free, so no complaining! 

Yesterday I finished the PowerScore Logical Reasoning LSAT book and decided to give myself a break. I started with a nice cold soda and downloaded The Selection by Kiera Cass. I waited for this book for about two months from the library, but yay. As you all know, I often read books straight through, then have a book hang over the next day. 

I thoroughly enjoyed The Selection. Featuring a strong female character and a good and kind Prince, The Selection is about a newly formed nation trying to find a Princess for the good Prince Maxon. Enter America, a teenager from a low caste, who wins a lottery to enter The Selection and meet (and hopefully marry) the Prince.  Despite her efforts to avoid attention, America manages to catch the prince's eye with her individuality and honest personality. BAM! Love Triangle and female-on-female drama. It's a trilogy, with Book 2 coming out in 2013. I cannot wait. The book is sorta predictable, but not terribly so. I recommend it! I suspect in future books the actual dystopian part will come more into play, but I am perfectly content with seeing how the love triangle plays out.  

If I ever thought of a book to write myself, it would be very much like The Selection. The character choices and personalities are very similar to the characters floating around in my mind. My friend, Mike Costello, who is a published author himself, encourages me to shut up about what I would like to write, and just do it. I have a story in mind, I have the characters in mind, what I do not have is the time (possibly the confidence). Sharing your thoughts and creating a world is a very personal thing.  I get that there will always be critics –people who cannot do better themselves, but I’m not too worried about it. Becoming a published writer is not as difficult as it used to be. The Internet has made e-publishing much easier. So, much like studying, I just need to sit down, shut up, and type. 

Want to know what I’m reading? Follow me on GoodReads

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The LSAT: My bad boyfriend

According to @LSATCountdown I have 50 days left until the test. *Keep Calm and Study On*

In theory, I have intermittently studied for this test since last year. I planned on taking it in June, but failed to register on time before the testing centers in Central Florida filled up. I think this was a secret blessing because there was no way that I could have done well in June.

So, with less than two months left, I woke up and realized that I took the entire summer off from my studies. Now don't get me wrong, the book definitely moved all over my room from my dresser to my bed, to my nightstand, to the floor, to my closet. They make excellent paperweights and roach smashers. Luckily, I woke up to this reality and set myself a lofty goal of one chapter at least a night, which should give me enough time to take practice tests all September.

I've asked my friends and co-workers to openly mock and berate me in order to keep me motivated. (Shout out to Christian Fulton - who's been in my shoes and is great about keeping me going).  I wrote out a syllabus (which I probably should have done months ago). I still got this. There is no doubt in my mind that I will break my pre-test score of 143. I've been training myself at work to sit still for 4 hours at a time. I usually do not eat until I'm about ready to pass out. Towards the end of September I will be waking up at the crack of dawn and get the blood flowing and develop into a physical routine. (The real test starts at 8 AM, and I'm not a morning dolphin).

Turning each page is like finding a new form of torture. 

I get that this test is suppose to rank and weed-out mediocre would-be lawyers, but for real...for real.  I can't imagine more than a handful of concepts that I've encountered truly helping in the law profession. It's just my torture. I think I'm addicted to getting absolutely nothing wrong in practice and then getting half the questions right in a section. The LSAT: my bad boyfriend. I read early on from LSAT Blogspot that you'll start to find logical errors in everyday life. With all these political ads showing every five minutes, I find myself screaming: "Straw Man," "Mistaken Reversal," "Percentage Error," etc. at the TV.  I diagram everything in life. Pro Tip: If you work in customer service, do not try to use LSAT logic on angry customers...does not work.

School starts for me in two weeks. To summarize, I work 40 hours a week, go to school for 8 hours a week,  and will probably start an 8-10 hour a week internship too. I can do this though. I'm a master of time management. Some say the schedule is impossible; I say - we'll see.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Guess who's not 18 anymore

So I took my first ballet class since college. The class definitely reignited the passion for dance. I looked great and felt great during the class. The days following; however, not so much. I quickly realized that I'm not a teenager any more and probably inherited my dad's epic failure of a bone structure.

I learned and realized that the warm-up is just as important as the cool-down.  Research indicates that the cool-down helps move the lactic acid away from the muscles. Unfortunately, research for me occurred on day two. Instead, I went to a bar and drank rather than cooled down.

So by day two I was unable to walk and felt like my calf muscles were on fire with every step.  Here are a few thing I did to help alleviate the muscle pain:

First, I began with the typical stretching and elevation of the legs. It's incredibly hard to stretch when you feel like you'd rather cut off your legs. So then I decided that eating proteins and such would probably be easier. I should have taken a photograph, but I ate it instead.

Kim's Super Protein Filled Sandwich
1 English Muffin
1 slice of cheese
2 eggs
1 Morning Star Veggie Patty

Make the eggs into omelet of your choice. Warm up English Muffin and Morning Star Veggie Patty as directed. Place all the ingredients into the the English Muffin. Enjoy one giant protein filled sandwich.

Then I tried to drink as much water as possible.  Drinking water hydrates the body and allows the metabolism to get all the nastiness out.

Legs Up a Wall

Even Oprah says that this yoga pose is beneficial.  It is an inversion and should not be done if you have hypertension, the pregnancy, or high blood pressure.  By raising your legs above your head it "reverses" the blood flow.

The best way to get into this pose is to sit against the wall with your legs to one side. Get as close to the wall as possible with your butt, then lay back and swing your legs onto the wall.

You can either stretch your arms above your head or keep them on your chest. It is important to breathe in your nose and out your mouth. This will also help relax your body.

Out of all the things I did this past week to recover my body, I think this was the thing that was most beneficial.

DIY Cheap Non-(Foam) Roller

In Pilates, we use foam rollers as part of our exercise, in yoga we use foam rollers to stretch and massage parts of the body. I do not own a foam roller, but I recently ordered a poster from, and luck have it, that I did not throw out the cardboard tube. 

I do not recommend sitting on a cardboard tube, but it definitely can be used to massage out muscles.  A partner is great for applying pressure, but if you're alone you just roll on the tube.

I can't imagine that this is what Michael Phelps or Gabby Douglas does as part of their routine, but it totally works for me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Free Stuff Obsessions

I love free stuff. I'm always looking for new ways to things or earn more money. I recently started getting people together to go to trivia night once a week, to supplement the income. I figured with my crazy amount of random knowledge we can get some prizes. Our team name is "The Lovely Narwhals," so if you ever see us at bar trivia watch out!

Aside from bar trivia, there are also a bunch of websites and apps that I use to get free stuff. I don't think I've paid for iTunes or eBooks in years. I've received things like gift cards,  clothing, food samples, laundry detergent, and more.  

(Disclaimer: All links below are definitely self-promotion and lead either to my page or my referral links.) is a online research/marketing site that companies use to poll the audience and participate in discussions. By answering 'QuickHits' or participating in Discussions you can earn points, which can be redeemed for online gift cards or donated to charity. I'm a points hoarder, so I have no spent any points yet. A unique feature about CrowdTap are events like Movie Previews (usually if you live in a metropolitan area), Sample and Shares (free products for you an a friend in exchange for reports/reviews/photos), hosted parties (gather friends to host an event based around a product).  For a beginner it is harder to get the big ticket events like Sample and Shares, but it's well worth the dedication and it's free. I've received two samples from Old Navy (one bikini and one dress). It's free to sign up and does not require a lot of commitment.

I am not sure why people buy recipe books anymore. Almost any DYI project, recipe, or style can be found using

I just started using the Viggle App. If you watch TV at all, then you really have nothing to lose. Once you download the app, you use your cell phone to check into whatever show you are watching to earn points.  Some featured shows offer more points and some shows have live trivia associated with it to earn even more. The Olympics have provided me with tons of points. After gaining a number of points you can redeem them for things like gift cards, music.  If you save a couple million of points there are even opportunities for a cruise or new computer. Most people just save up for the Starbucks Gift Card.

In the past I've used, mostly to earn points for iTunes Gift Cards.  You can earn SwagBucks from a variety of style like searching the internet, surveys, buying things, etc. I found this site to be a little too tedious, but the rewards were definitely real.

Did you know that most public libraries have free music downloads? I get almost all of my music from Freegal Music offered through the Orlando Public Library.  All you need is a library card and pin number. You get a maximum of three downloads a week, then it resets on Monday.

Similarly, my public library offers free eBooks through Just like in the real library, you check out books for a couple weeks. If the book is out, then you are on a wait list. The best part, automatic returns = no late fees! Overdrive now has books for Nook and Kindle. Win!

As you know, I'm "Studying" for the LSAT. I've decided to not do a fancy prep program, instead going for the book method. So I've also found some free supplements for these studies. Using or VelocityLSAT to explain concepts has been free and invaluable.

Don't forget to enter Facebook contests. Many companies make it as easy as one-click and signing in with Facebook to enter a contest. I've won a few movie tickets and prize packs from just "Liking" a businesses page.

I'm not ashamed to say that I whore out my beautiful German Shepherd, Charger, into every pet photo contest I can find. While we have not won yet, she's starting to get a good following on her blog. I just take some good photos of her and enter on the web. I recent did a bunch of picture of Charger reading a book. Woof!

If you have any sites that I should be checking out, comment below!

Kim's Olympics Coverage

Every so often (like every two years or so), I become obsessed with the Olympics.  I normally do not watch sports, but something about countries sending their best athletes to a foreign land, draws me in.  During the Summer Olympics I fall in love with swimming, gymnastics, and equestrian, although, I'd watch it all. During the Winter, it's all about ice skating. I'd love to attend one of these spectacles or even work at one.

I've been watching the coverage each day, oddly enough with my dad. We watch the games together and have become experts in swimming and gymnastics.  I can't say that I liked The XXX Olympics opening ceremony. It was definitely a British spectacle. My cousin visited during that week and we gathered around the television to watch. I think the emphasis on sick children and modern technology was a bit much. 

Here are a couple of my favorite stories from around the web:

I love this success story of a coach rallying behind this athlete. I'm glad that Aly Raisman won this event, because her routine was spectacular. The piece describes the appeal process from Aly's coach's perspective. 

70,000 Olympic volunteer Games Makers help make games work
This article talks about the volunteers who make the Olympics function. The profiles range from sand smoother to arrow gatherer. An interesting read.

Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has never cleared a hurdle in an Olympic games. Yesterday, he fell over the first hurdle and probably ended his career. Despite the physical pain, he finished the race hopping on one leg. If that's not athleticism, I do not know what is. 

Opposite of pain and suffering is the story when a bunch of sexy athletes are forced to live in close quarters. Debauchery is expected. 

If you Google 'fail dive' you can watch videos of Mr. Feck back flopping into the Olympic diving well. A cringe-worthy performance leave you feeling sad for the guy. A moment in time that someone's dreams crush in an instant.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wow it's been a bit.

It looks like the last time I posted was about a year ago. It turns out that I go through these phases of writing online and then writing in my real paperback journal. Summary of my life in the past year - got promoted a couple times, but still not making enough money to do what I want to do. Almost done with school, but not quite. Decided I'd try to go to law school - studying for the LSAT. Still in Orlando.

So, since I have a small few weeks break from school, I have itchy fingers and need to write. Expect a gear up again. I would say this blog is once again for real, but I have commitment issues.