Today is December 12, 2012, and I am graduating from Valencia College in Orlando, FL with my Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies. Despite already having a Bachelor's degree, I wanted to go back to school, to pursue what I thought, at the time, was "my bliss." I learned so much along the way and worked so hard. My commute to and from school was an hour both ways, three times a week after work. Now it is done. There are many people to thank that helped me along my way.
First,my family and friends. You all were my support network. No dolphin
can swim without their pod, so it was very good to have one that was
always there. I was absent for so many things, and had to sacrifice so
much time to pursue this degree. I am just glad that no one thought any
less of me during my self-loathing stressful moments.
Second, my employer who has always been generous with providing me a flexible
work schedule. Also having the benefit of tuition
reimbursement and a strong support network in my office, always
encouraging me to do more. My co-workers have been my idea boards and my stress-relief.
Next, my car. Oh Nissan Sentra, you have shuttled me back and forth to school and work, then back again, without fail. We've traveled over 30,000 miles in the past two years. You've been my shelter - providing my a safe place to sleep, to wait, and to study. My kitchen, my closet, and at times, my dumpster. We nearly died a couple of times on I-4, but you never gave up until we got home safe.
My teachers and mentors. I didn't realize what a strong network I had until these past few weeks, with my mid-mid life crisis. I've learned so much and am humbled with the knowledge and guidance bestowed upon me. I have grown in maturity and professionally.
Katie Lewis - We started this crazy journey together, literally driving around East Orlando, because of a Yahoo article that we read. I am glad that we can help each other and motivate each other.
Finally, my classmates. We have been through this together, it was hard. Even going to BU, I was so sheltered from the struggles that real people faced. I've learned a lot from you all and hope that today's class is not the end of some of our friendships.
So, thank you all for your support. I feel like I accomplished a lot. While I do not know where my path will lead next, it is safe to say, that I would never be anywhere or move forward without all of you.
Kim! I had no idea you were finishing up. Congratulations on this momentous recognition of your very, very hard work. :)