Today, I went to the mall. I never go to the mall because I cannot afford anything there. One day. One day, I will have a job where half my paycheck will not go towards one shirt. As you can imagine, the mall was not a pleasure trip. My computer charger had its last charge last night. My computer is six years old this year. Knock on wood, will last for another six years. This was an unexpected expense to say the least. I spent $82.00 on a Mac cable which is basically obsolete. Apparently, these machines are suppose to last two years max. This makes sense as I've gone through two chargers since getting this computer. And of course, today was the day when I needed to use the computer to write my speech for class.
Looking at a new computer is very much out of the question. Mine works fine...when it has power. Lately I've found myself, with a lot of old stuff. I've decided to repair things old school style.
Yesterday, I sewed a hole in my socks. Today, I sewed Charger's monkey. I don't see why, people would just throw something out because it has a hole. It is time consuming, yes. But think about the hours of torture you worked in order to buy a new item.
My other savings tip is for things like shampoo, creams, etc. The bottle is not empty! I've been using the same bottle of shampoo for a very long time. The pump stopped pumping a while ago. Normally people would just throw out the bottle. I was so mad at the cream I purchased, which stopped pumping almost a week. I'm still using the cream though. I just open the pump and use the cream directly. Again, this is a little more time-consuming, but it definitely saves money.
Also, bring your lunch to work!!! It saves so much money per day.
Monkey says: "Fix what you can! Save the difference!"
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