Check out this article picked up by AFP titled "Lady Gaga eyes legal action over breast milk ice cream". At first, I could not believe this was a news story, but of course if it's on the Yahoo! homepage, I'm going to read it.
To summarize: Lady Gaga's people sent a cease and desist letter to this ice cream company selling breast milk ice cream called "Baby Gaga."
As if breast milk ice cream is not weird enough, Lady Gaga seems to think she's associated with the product. This case is playing out in London, but I've been learning about business law for the whole year and am going to analyze this case as if it were abiding by U.S laws.
Lady Gaga must prove that this company named the ice cream with the intent to sell based off the name. Both the words "baby" and "gaga" are generic terms, so I do not believe she has a case. Now the name bears a strong resemblance to the celebrity's name, but it is not called "Lady Gaga's breast milk ice cream." Does this mean every time that a lady goes gaga for something, Lady Gaga can seek royalties? If both parties were smart, they should partner together to find a reasonable solution. I would not back down and change the name of the ice cream.
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