Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Even dolphins run out of time

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”
-Jim Rohn

At the beginning of the semester, I did a time assessment of how many hours in a week versus how many hours I have committed. There are a total of 168 hours in a week. I think it worked out that 68 hours a week I'm doing stuff, while the rest of the time I'm either eating/sleeping or catching up on personal stuff. 

Today I looked at my calendar and had a panic attack. I'm very organized. I have three calendars: My personal planner which comes with me everywhere. This calendar really need to be bigger, because I write so much stuff. My Google calendar. God forbid anyone every truly stalk me, they will know my exact position in the day based off this calendar. Then there's my desk calendar, which lists monthly due dates. This coming week, I have an abnormal amount of tasks due. It's almost like teachers and supervisors plan these due dates to collide at once.

With the recent opportunities coming up, I have to stay on task and organized. There's only a few hours a day, in which one can work properly before passing out.  And with Criminal Minds marathons on every day of the week. It's multi-task or die trying!

1 comment:

  1. Keeping multiple calendars is a boon and a curse; I know when things are coming, which is great, but sometimes it seems-- like you said-- as though everything is coming at me at once.

    That said, you are Kim, capable of warping time and space and all that jazz. You'll do fine with the school stuff, I'm sure. :>
