Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jumping off

Recently, my good friend and former co-worker, Tony Albanese quit his job, packed up, and drove across country to Los Angeles. No plan; no real reason, other than he just didn't want his life to be wasted. Apparently, he's done this before and ended up in Orlando.

I can only dream of such actions. I have another friend who went the other way. She had a job working for a big company in Los Angeles. She recently packed up and drove across country to live in New York City. Again, no job.

I wonder why I can't do the same. I have no children, no overwhelming commitments. There are days that I just want to pack up and call it a day. Though logic dictates that it's a 'grass is always greener' situation. It must be nice, even for a day, to have no obligations.

I'm far too attached to my family and to having certainty to just pick up and leave. I'm the type of person that needs a destination and a job. One can only hope that a better opportunity and adventure is out there for every one of us.

1 comment:

  1. It's better to take a leap of faith when you are young enough to rebound. You don't want to end up old and asking, "What if?" Is failure possible, absolutely, but fear and obligations shouldn't restrain you. It's all about managing everything together. You are extremely intelligent and have an ability to be incredibly successful. Define a path and jump into the ocean.

    But even if you do, remember there are always obligations just disguised and more free flowing when your on an adventure.
