Friday, March 15, 2013

Things I learned this week WE 3/16/13

Princess Charger don't got time for ear drops
1. Putting ear drops in a dog is similar to walking into a cage fight with a lion that hasn't eaten in a week. You would seriously think that I pour hot lava into this dog's ear the way she screams and fights. My dog is a 92-pound alpha German Shepherd, who holds a grudge for at least two days. I have 11 more days of ear drop madness.

2. For two weeks I've woken at 3am from straight slumber covered in almonds including in my mouth. How I haven't died yet is beyond me. This week I learned that almonds have magnesium, which acts as a sleep aid. In my case, almonds are basically Kim chloroform and I don't remember eating them either.

3. Nutella is amazing. This week I had Nutella for the first time. Now I'm obsessed now. We had some at work and now I can't stop.

4. Despite my better judgement, I decided to watch Game of Thrones Season 2 with the notion that there would be less grown up parts. I was wrong. Lots of gratuitous sex and anatomy.

5. I waste a lot of time playing Game of Thrones ascent on Facebook. I'm not at the point where I'll spend real money, but I waste far too much time at night playing this silly game.

6. The first 50-pages of "Beautiful Creatures" is horrible and can be passed. I trudge through the first 50-pages for book club. I put the book down because it sucked, but book club people promised that it would get better. On page 51 things really did get better and now I can't stop. Though I find the story very superficial and nothing too deep, it's still a good story.

7. Driving on I-4 during rush hour really sucks. I can't imagine anyone having to drive that route every day, it is horrible. When I have to see shows downtown and leave my office at 5, it takes 1.5 hours to go 11 miles. This other night I saw a tractor trailer flipped upside down with it's contents strewn about the roadway blocking two lanes and an exit ramp at 10pm. Fail.

8. I'm a better dancer than I thought and it really is like getting back on the horse. I had my last ballet class this week and finally had a challenging class. I loved it, but my schedule was getting too difficult to manage (Surprise!).

9. I think I'm getting famous. People know me because of my theater reviews. Win. Most epic win.

10. I'm getting old. I got wind of my 10-year high school reunion happening this summer. Crazy. I don't think I've accomplished enough to show up. Also, it's kind of unnecessary because Facebook keeps everyone worth keeping in touch.

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