Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Me, an inspiration?

I never consider myself an inspiration or a people motivator. I'm just Kim, living my life and doing what I do. I think by now you've realized that when I do something, I go crazy and I work incredibly hard.

Recently, someone came up to me and said that I inspired them to work towards their dream.  I was blown away. Again, I do not to anything out of the ordinary, except try to make myself and other people happy. I always believe in leading by example and living without regret.  I am very thankful for all my friends and those who support me.

I listened to an online radio interview of "Behind the Mask" with Sandra Joseph. She was interviewing one of my favorite phantoms, Gary Mauer. One thing he said struck me. He was asked, when did he know he was going to become an actor. Gary said, he knew he could become an actor when what he saw did not seem like a stretch. The moment he looked at himself and said, "I can do that," was when he became committed.

Similarly, that's how I fell into writing. I read books and think, I can do that. We shall see.
Speaking of people who support me, some have blogs too. I suggest taking a look at what interests you:

My current inspiration to work harder and never give up is Carla Young. She's battling breast cancer very hardcore. She provides updates on her fundraising page. My first gig reviewing Orlando theater was for Carla's benefit.

Before I started working four jobs, I really liked to do yoga. My yoga teacher, Toni Silva, was one of the best teachers I had. Coming from Boston, we both had a lot in common. I miss classes with her, but we still keep in touch. Her blog provides inspirational messages and embodies the way of yoga thinking with positive energy.

One co-worker, Sybil McGuire, has a beautiful blog. She's a potter and has an eye for photography of the garden variety. If you like to look at pretty things, check out Sybil. Sybil is also one who proof-reads my stuff and reassures me that everything is just fine.

Another co-worker, Phil Whigham, just started his blog Album, Beer, Comics. And he's been trying to introduce me to this whole world known as the graphic novel.  He also talks about music and beer.

My boss, Dan Gurwitz, keeps me calm and is a huge Kim Moy fan. He has the cutest daughter ever - even though they truly need to update.

My friend Josh Liebman created Operation Pineapple last year. I guest blogged for a minute. This blog focuses on the hospitality industry.

I'm certain there are many more of you out there that are worthy of mention. I love you all!

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