Monday, February 25, 2013

Why do I always get sick? & Lecture Recap

It seems that I only get sick when I have a day off. Tomorrow is my first day off since my birthday last month and I'm feeling under the weather. Like post-nasal scratchy throat. It happens, I guess sometimes your body gets too busy to get sick.

Ninety days exactly until my vacation. I'm reviewing about two shows a week, which makes me a very busy person. I'm glad that I am able to share this passion with the public. I never thought that this is something that I could do, but it really was not a big stretch.

I've been painfully saving pennies and dimes to pay for this trip. It is interesting how much money can be saved with discipline and a good expense chart.

Last Friday I attended a lecture by Laura Schwartz as part of the Universal's Women's Network, who was the White House Director of Events during the Clinton Administration. She was incredibly empowering and left me with a few thoughts:

  1. Being positive is important vital personally and professionally. People's moods play off each other and you do not want to be that person. 
  2. Having knowledge of a bit of everything is key. 
  3. Go to social events and make it a point to meet people. This is something I need to work on because I'm painfully shy in uncomfortable situations. 
  4. Gotta get some business cards. Lately many people have been asking for my non-existent business card. I realize now that each time I say that I do not have one, is essentially a missed opportunity. 
  5. "Who am I? and Why am I here?" It's good to think about this question every once in a while to maintain perspective. She mentioned finding a place or some time to spend alone. I find that this time is when I'm driving from one job to the other or finally home. Once again, my car is my sanctuary
This woman is the quintessential business professional, but it seemed clear that she did not have kids. Maybe that's not what she wanted, but it seems like a huge sacrifice. 


My novel is coming along. I am constantly moving the plot forward, but also going back and constantly fleshing out the story.  I had an independent reader take a look at my first two chapters and the review came back positive. If I do not get a publisher, I would consider self-publishing. I know the journey to bookshelf will be long and difficult, but I really feel like it is possible.

So speaking of books, while I have no time to read, I find myself reading books anyway. In book club (yes, an actual book club), we're reading Beautiful Creatures, which is in theaters now. So far, I do not find it too compelling, but it's an apparent phenomenon.

Although I'm stuck, I'm still reading Book 5 of the Game of Thrones series: something something dragon something. I like the series, but the books are just so long and all my favorite characters are dead.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Slightly irrational fears.

I cannot keep telling myself enough that in less than 97 days, I will be on my way to Alaska. I just need to make it that far and then I'll be able to enjoy myself. I'm starting to get some irrational (or maybe rational) fears about my upcoming trip. Aside from the whole, what if the plane crashes or the boat sinks, general non-sense, I'm thinking Bear Grylls style fears. What if I'm on an excursion or a hike and get lost? Though I grew up in the North, I am from Florida now, I can barely stand when the air condition is on. Do I have what it takes to not die? I'd be the first one eating poisonous berries or saying hello to the warm cuddly brown bear.

Then I'm thinking, my life is not nearly that exciting, that I would end up in a situation like that. I'm more likely to die of hypothermia chasing a whale in a canoe than having to eat my arm after getting pinned by a boulder. I read a book once called The Survivor's Club, which had this message that has always stuck with me: That it is the mind that can overcome adversity and when it comes down to it, if you really want to be the one who survives, then damn everyone else. It truly is a good read.

Hearing the stories from Carnival Triumph, I think I definitely survive if I were surrounded by food. I will be bringing doggy poop bags though, as they are incredibly useful. I also read that one should bring something reflective, to make search and rescue easier. (Hence, the back of an iPod).

Regardless, if I do find myself in a tragic position, someone please hack into my computer and publish my novel. It's no memoir, but I've been working on it for too long to go unpublished.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Me, an inspiration?

I never consider myself an inspiration or a people motivator. I'm just Kim, living my life and doing what I do. I think by now you've realized that when I do something, I go crazy and I work incredibly hard.

Recently, someone came up to me and said that I inspired them to work towards their dream.  I was blown away. Again, I do not to anything out of the ordinary, except try to make myself and other people happy. I always believe in leading by example and living without regret.  I am very thankful for all my friends and those who support me.

I listened to an online radio interview of "Behind the Mask" with Sandra Joseph. She was interviewing one of my favorite phantoms, Gary Mauer. One thing he said struck me. He was asked, when did he know he was going to become an actor. Gary said, he knew he could become an actor when what he saw did not seem like a stretch. The moment he looked at himself and said, "I can do that," was when he became committed.

Similarly, that's how I fell into writing. I read books and think, I can do that. We shall see.
Speaking of people who support me, some have blogs too. I suggest taking a look at what interests you:

My current inspiration to work harder and never give up is Carla Young. She's battling breast cancer very hardcore. She provides updates on her fundraising page. My first gig reviewing Orlando theater was for Carla's benefit.

Before I started working four jobs, I really liked to do yoga. My yoga teacher, Toni Silva, was one of the best teachers I had. Coming from Boston, we both had a lot in common. I miss classes with her, but we still keep in touch. Her blog provides inspirational messages and embodies the way of yoga thinking with positive energy.

One co-worker, Sybil McGuire, has a beautiful blog. She's a potter and has an eye for photography of the garden variety. If you like to look at pretty things, check out Sybil. Sybil is also one who proof-reads my stuff and reassures me that everything is just fine.

Another co-worker, Phil Whigham, just started his blog Album, Beer, Comics. And he's been trying to introduce me to this whole world known as the graphic novel.  He also talks about music and beer.

My boss, Dan Gurwitz, keeps me calm and is a huge Kim Moy fan. He has the cutest daughter ever - even though they truly need to update.

My friend Josh Liebman created Operation Pineapple last year. I guest blogged for a minute. This blog focuses on the hospitality industry.

I'm certain there are many more of you out there that are worthy of mention. I love you all!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The past 72 hours

The past 72 hours have been non-stop for me. I read an interesting article about sleep on Yahoo, basically I need to sleep more. But when you work four jobs, and are trying to write a novel, sleep is hard to come by.

It started on Friday, at my normal job for 9 hours. I had 15 minutes between to eat and then head to review a play. That would have been all fine, but the play was three hours long. Luckily, the theatre was incredibly close to my house that I was home quickly. I wanted to get most of my initial thoughts down though, so I ended up trying to sleep at 1 am.

Which, again, would have been fine had I not decided to volunteer the next morning. I volunteered to drive everyone downtown for Paws in the Park - a fundraiser for the local SPCA. I woke from my "nap" at 4 a.m. and volunteered until 11 a.m. The event was great, I love animals and helping people, so it was super fulfilling.

Again, would have been fine, but I also had to work from that point until 7 p.m.  Now I'm not one to just let my social life go to heck either. So I then stayed to watch the first Mardi Gras parade and Lifehouse concert. I again, did not leave Universal until almost 10 p.m.

My amazing boss, let me come in to work today an hour late, which essentially cured my sleep drunkenness. The effects of sleeplessness is almost the same as being drunk. I could not focus, everything was funny, and my writing skills were shot. Re-reading the review that I wrote on Friday, it looked like a Neanderthal wrote it. I'm definitely going to be working the piece a lot, but I wonder if I should actually sleep.
Today is Chinese New Year and it's the Year of the Snake. The Snake is a water sign, Aquarius is a water sign. I declare this year to be great.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I need a vacation

I think I'm sick again. It's weird because I *knock on wood* do not have any runny nose or coughing. My ears hurt terribly and my right tonsil is swollen and angry. I'm guessing it's my mono, which comes back about once a year. It would explain why I can sleep so much and still be tired. Of course the only respite is to rest as much as possible.

I'm trying to plan a relaxing vacation. My dad does not want to leave Charger, so any plans we had are no longer an option. So now I'm thinking, I want to go somewhere I've never been. Alaska is becoming an interesting option. I've always wanted to see wild killer whales. I can really foresee this happening. I work way too much to not get any enjoyment out of life.

Many time when I get complaints from people who say "Oh I'm going to blog about my negative experience..." I often write them off, because I think that no one truly cares. That may be so, but I find myself looking at blog site like to figure out the best value for money. Being a blogger myself, I know it's the future of news and journalism.

I also launched my homepage. When I finish my novel I'll buy a .com, but for now: