Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Not a spoiler)

Let me start by saying this is not a technical review, won't have any plot comments. More of an observation, as I live in a place literally surrounded by Wizards.

Luckily, I had the opportunity to screen the final Harry Potter film two (2) days before it came out. And people were lining up already in lawn chairs and such. Ok, fine, it's a popular series. But these people were in full wizard outfits. Again, normal...but Hogwarts and such seems to be located in a colder temperature. In Orlando, we hit 95-degrees on both days. That's dedication.

There is also a wizard conference in town, so again, lots of wizards running around. More than usual. I like to play a game similar to 'Punch Buggy' except it's 'Punch Wizard' this week, the bruises have been so bad.

So the film itself it epic. I just called it the this generation's equivalent of the first Star Wars. I'm actually going to pay to see it again. I may even draw a lightening bolt on my forehead.

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