June 5th
I keep saying this, but this was a great day. John and I started out visiting the Vancouver Aquarium. It reminded me a lot of NEAQ, both of which has a focus on education and local marine life. I love visiting institutions like this. The only bad part was the random and unexpected butterfly garden. John does well when I get into the phobia/paranoia mode. This aquarium also allowed me to see the only sea mammals I missed on the cruise. This was also the first time I saw a Pacific Whitesided Dolphin, which are native to the West coast.
After the aquarium we walked the famous seawall. I've gotten use to walking at this point and so I had the bright idea to walk along the wall from the aquarium to the bridge. Then lured by the next turn and the next we kept walking. According to the mile markers we walked 3.6 miles, which is fine given the amount of calories we consumed on the ship.
Around 4pm we decided to start driving back to Seattle. The longest part was crossing the border from Canada to the US. It was not a good idea to try to do so during rush hour on a weekend. It took about 45-minutes, but luckily we were close enough to turn our phones back on for entertainment. Side note: During the week my phone was off I received 68-emails. Mostly spam, but also some interesting writing opportunities.
John found an interest road a/k/a the scenic route. I have an affinity for the scenic route. In this case, weeks earlier I told him about my dream to be driving along a cliff with water on one side and cliff on the other. He found State Road 11, which had exactly such a route. We stopped at every lookout point we could find. John and Alex the Whale were so patient as I took an obnoxious amount of photos to remember each place.

We stopped at Larrabee State Park around 8pm, with the park closing at 9pm. It was still daylight as we hiked a bit to a hidden and deserted pebble beach. I've dreamed of a place like this. It's not a beach with waves or sand, but worn logs in a protected cove. When I think of Washington state and Oregon, I think of scenes like this. The water gently lapping onto the shore. I was certain that whales would love to hang out there, but I was also sure that we wouldn't see them.
I had another phobia moment when we noticed thousands of caterpillars on anything wooden. Again, John did very well handling me during the freak out. I lost my mind as I envisioned those thousands of caterpillars turning into thousands of butterflies. Yuck! Thinking about it now sends shivers up my spine.
We continued driving through coastal towns and through beautiful roads where the
trees towered above forming a cathedral-like ceiling. We passed through farms that found fertile ground in the valleys between the sea and the mountains. More domestic animals like cows, sheep, horses, and llamas.
We made it back to Seattle by 10pm. When I rented the car my gut told me to buy the full insurance. I normally wouldn't, but I did anyway. Good thing too because within 10-minutes away from our destination a rock hit and cracked the windshield. I worried for a bit, but luckily the insurance covered it completely.
We checked in our final night before the flights in the morning. Here's a fun side story. (If you're John's mom don't read anymore.) I got out of the shower in the morning, changed, and started packing, while John was still asleep. I decided not to nag as part of my happiness project and figured that he would get up eventually, so we could return the car. Well, he woke up very briskly when the fire alarm went off at 8am. John starts running towards the door, and I think great fire! Except he turns and runs into the bathroom. I guess, no time like the present. I quickly threw our stuff into the bags and checked out to see if there is a real fire. I return after not smelling smoke, but the alarm was still going off. Where was John? He was taking a shower. I joke because John hears a fire alarm and his first instinct is to take a shower. Not a short shower either. I really need to get him to read
The Survivors Club. Part of me felt bad for leaving him, but I wasn't about to potentially die. During his lengthy shower, with the alarm going off, I plotted several additional escape routes in case I was wrong.
Cut to returning the car and rushing to the airport. The rest is history and well documented via Facebook. Definite kudos go out to John who pretty much handled our travelling crisis as I was incapacitated by rage and hormones.