I'm back and I'm alive. My past two months have been spent drilling for the LSAT and working my butt off. Some said it couldn't be done, studying for such a test and having a full-time job. Excuse me for tooting my own horn, but I not only had a 40-hour a week job, I also got a part-time job (8 hours), started ballet (1.5 hours), and continued going to school (6 hours). There is only 168 hours in a week. Now of course, I do not know my score, but I'm just proud that I made it this far. I managed to overcome a mountain. Today was the first day that I slept over 8 hours. I can't explain why I put myself through such metal torture, but I did.
I can say that I have the best friends and family. I don't think that I would be able to do half the stuff I do without their support. I received such well wishes and a lovely card from my co-workers, who I'm sure are eager for me to be less grumpy. My parents finally figured out what was going on and clicked into the positive encouragement field. At my other job, they truly were able to sympathize and give me good pointers. Even random people on twitter were encouraging. So with this ocean of support, I did my best. I blanked out for a good 7-minutes, which I did not prepare for. I hope that I did well, but I won't know until Halloween. So trick or treat! I can't decide whether or not I'd take the test in December. I'm also praying that of the two logic games sections that were in my test, that the second was the graded and the first was the experimental, though I'm pretty sure it's the opposite.
Once the score comes back, then I will decide the rest. Take it again in December? Can I do it again for real. Wait and take it in February? Be happy and apply for law school? Or forget the whole thing? It's a lot of questions and a few big decisions.
For now, I'm enjoying my week off and doing things that I want to do - sleep, read, eat.